首页> 外文期刊>American journal of physics >Using graphical and pictorial representations to teach introductory astronomy students about the detection of extrasolar planets via gravitational microlensing

Using graphical and pictorial representations to teach introductory astronomy students about the detection of extrasolar planets via gravitational microlensing


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The detection and study of extrasolar planets is an exciting and thriving field in modern astrophysics and an increasingly popular topic in introductory astronomy courses. One detection method relies on searching for stars whose light has been gravitationally microlensed by an extrasolar planet. In order to facilitate instructors' abilities to bring this interesting mix of general relativity and extrasolar planet detection into the introductory astronomy classroom, we have developed a new Lecture-Tutorial called "Detecting Exoplanets with Gravitational Microlensing." In this paper, we describe how this new Lecture-Tutorial's representations of astrophysical phenomena, which we selected and created based on theoretically motivated considerations of their pedagogical affordances, are used to help introductory astronomy students develop more expert-like reasoning abilities. (C) 2016 American Association of Physics Teachers.
机译:太阳系外行星的探测和研究是现代天体物理学中一个令人兴奋和兴旺的领域,并且是入门天文学课程中越来越受欢迎的主题。一种检测方法依赖于搜索其光已被太阳系外行星重力微透镜化的恒星。为了使讲师能够将广义相对论和太阳系外行星探测这一有趣的组合带入入门天文学课堂,我们开发了一个新的讲课,名为“利用引力微透镜探测系外行星”。在本文中,我们描述了如何基于理论上对他们的教学能力的考虑而选择和创建的新的天文学现象的演讲教程表示形式,用于帮助入门级天文学学生发展更多类似于专家的推理能力。 (C)2016年美国物理教师协会。



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