首页> 外文期刊>American journal of primatology >Discovery of Miller's Grizzled Langur (Presbytis hosei canicrus) in Wehea Forest Confirms the Continued Existence and Extends Known Geographical Range of an Endangered Primate

Discovery of Miller's Grizzled Langur (Presbytis hosei canicrus) in Wehea Forest Confirms the Continued Existence and Extends Known Geographical Range of an Endangered Primate

机译:在Wehea森林中发现Miller的灰叶猴(Presbytis hosei canicrus)证实了其继续存在并扩大了濒危灵长类动物的已知地理范围

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Miller's Grizzled Langur (Presbytis hosei canicrus) is one of the least known and rarest primates in Borneo. With a limited geographic range along the central coast of East Kalimantan and the highly degraded Kutai National Park, its former stronghold, this subspecies is now extremely rare and has been listed as one of the world's 25 most endangered primates. From June 6 to August 2, 2011, we carried out both direct observation and camera trap surveys at two mineral springs (sepans) in the Wehea Forest, East Kutai district, East Kalimantan. Presbytis hosei canicrus was observed at the large sepan on 3 of 6 observation days and at the small sepan on 2 of 3 observation days with up to 11 individuals observed in a single day at a single site. Camera traps recorded a per day capture rate of 0.72 at the small sepan and 0.25 at the large sepan and a per photo capture rate of 0.50 and 0.005, respectively. These data suggest relatively frequent occurrence of P. h. canicrus at the sepans, but the langurs are rarely encountered elsewhere in the Wehea Forest. The discovery of P. h. canicrus in the Wehea Forest confirms the continued existence of this endangered primate and is the first solid evidence demonstrating that its geographic range extends further inland than previously thought. It is not known whether the population of P. h. canicrus within Wehea Forest is large and stable enough to be considered viable, but it is likely part of a larger population that may possibly occur across surrounding protected forests and logging concessions. Surveying this potentially large population, and securing its protection, should be a priority measure for ensuring the continued existence of P. h. canicrus.
机译:米勒的灰叶猴(Presbytis hosei canicrus)是婆罗洲最不知名和最稀有的灵长类动物之一。由于东加里曼丹岛中部海岸的地理范围有限,且其前据点高度退化的库塔国家公园如今极为罕见,被列为世界上25个最濒危的灵长类动物之一。从2011年6月6日至8月2日,我们在东加里曼丹东部库塔地区的Wehea森林中的两个矿泉(sepans)上进行了直接观测和照相机陷阱调查。在6个观察日中的3天在大隔膜处观察到了老花hose管,在3个观察日中的2个日在小隔膜处观察到了ic蒲,一天中在单个部位观察到多达11个个体。相机陷阱记录的小隔膜每天的捕获率为0.72,大隔膜为0.25,每张照片的捕获率分别为0.50和0.005。这些数据表明P. h的发生相对频繁。棕褐色的雪茄,但在Wehea森林的其他地方很少见到叶猴。 P. h。的发现Wehea森林中的canicrus证实了这种濒临灭绝的灵长类动物的持续存在,并且是第一个有力的证据,证明其地理范围比以前想象的更向内陆延伸。目前尚不清楚P. h。的种群。 Wehea森林中的canicrus大而稳定,足以被认为是可行的,但它可能是较大种群的一部分,可能会横跨周围的受保护森林和伐木特许权。对这一潜在的大量人口进行调查并确保其受到保护,应该是确保P. h继续存在的一项优先措施。 Canicrus。



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