首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Preventive Medicine >Active Living Logan Square: joining together to create opportunities for physical activity.

Active Living Logan Square: joining together to create opportunities for physical activity.


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BACKGROUND: The Active Living Logan Square target audience is the community of the southwest corner of Logan Square, an urban Chicago community of 84,466 residents, mostly Latinos. Through the Active Living by Design (ALbD) initiative, the Logan Square Neighborhood Association leveraged its 48 years of existence in the neighborhood to create opportunities and build partnerships. INTERVENTION: Activities addressed three primary goals: (1) enhance school environments and practices to support physical activity before, during, and after the school day; (2) encourage individuals and families to enjoy outdoor activities in their own communities; and (3) create safe, inviting places for activity that connect to surrounding communities. The partnership's participatory approach involved a variety of community stakeholders in developing and implementing affordable, accessible, culturally acceptable, and sustainable physical activities for children and their families. RESULTS: The partnership successfully piloted Open Streets (temporary street closures) and advocated for development of the Bloomingdale Trail, an elevated rails-to-trails project. In schools, the partnership changed the culture at McAuliffe Elementary to support healthy behaviors through new policies, physical projects, and programs. LESSONS LEARNED: Vital components of the project's success included a full-time coordinator with strong community ties; time to build healthy relationships within the partnership and community; the use of culturally relevant strategies; and flexibility to welcome complementary opportunities. CONCLUSIONS: The partnership intentionally did not produce a single community-recognized campaign; instead, it chose to use limited resources to promote tangible programs and projects that led to sustainable and replicable changes that promote physical activity.
机译:背景:活跃的洛根广场生活目标受众是洛根广场西南角的社区,洛根广场是芝加哥市区,共有84,466名居民,其中大部分是拉丁美洲人。洛根广场社区协会(Logan Square Neighbourhood Association)通过“通过设计积极生活(ALbD)”计划,利用其在社区中已有的48年历史来创造机会并建立合作伙伴关系。干预:这些活动实现了三个主要目标:(1)改善学校环境和做法,以支持在上课日之前,期间和之后的体育锻炼; (2)鼓励个人和家庭在自己的社区里进行户外活动; (3)建立安全,吸引人的活动场所,与周围社区建立联系。伙伴关系的参与性方法使社区的各种利益相关者参与到为儿童及其家庭开发和实施负担得起的,可及的,在文化上可接受的和可持续的体育活动中。结果:该合作伙伴关系成功地对开放街道(临时封闭街道)进行了试点,并倡导了Bloomingdale Trail的开发,Bloomingdale Trail是高架的轨电工程。在学校中,这种合作关系改变了McAuliffe小学的文化,通过新的政策,有形项目和计划来支持健康的行为。经验教训:项目成功的重要组成部分包括与社区紧密联系的专职协调员;在伙伴关系和社区中建立健康关系的时间;使用与文化相关的策略;和灵活性,以迎接互补的机会。结论:伙伴关系并非有意进行单个社区认可的活动;相反,它选择使用有限的资源来促进有形的计划和项目,从而促成可持续和可复制的改变,从而促进体育活动。



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