首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Gelada Feeding Ecology in an Intact Ecosystem at Guassa, Ethiopia: Variability Over Time and Implications for Theropith and Hominin Dietary Evolution

Gelada Feeding Ecology in an Intact Ecosystem at Guassa, Ethiopia: Variability Over Time and Implications for Theropith and Hominin Dietary Evolution


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Recent evidence suggests that several extinct primates, including contemporaneous Paranthropus boisei and Theropithecus oswaldi in East Africa, fed largely on grasses and sedges (i.e., graminoids). As the only living primate graminivores, gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada) can yield insights into the dietary strategies pursued by extinct grass- and sedge-eating primates. Past studies of gelada diet were of short duration and occurred in heavily disturbed ecosystems. We conducted a long-term study of gelada feeding ecology in an intact Afroalpine ecosystem at Guassa, Ethiopia. Geladas at Guassa consumed ≥56 plant species, ≥20 invertebrate species, one reptile species, and the eggs of one bird species over a 7-year period. The annual diet consisted of 56.8% graminoid parts, 37.8% forb parts, 2.8% invertebrates, and 2.6% other items, although geladas exhibited wide variability in diet across months at Guassa. Edible forbs were relatively scarce at Guassa but were strongly selected for by geladas. Tall graminoid leaf and tall graminoid seed head consumption correlated positively, and underground food item consumption correlated negatively, with rainfall over time. Geladas at Guassa consumed a species-rich diet dominated by graminoids, but unlike geladas in more disturbed habitats also ate a diversity of forbs and invertebrates along with occasional vertebrate prey. Although graminoids are staple foods for geladas, underground food items are important "fallback foods." We discuss the implications of our study, the first intensive study of the feeding ecology of the only extant primate graminivore, for understanding the dietary evolution of the theropith and hominin putative graminivores, Theropithecus oswaldi and Paranthropus boisei. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:1-16, 2014.
机译:最近的证据表明,一些灭绝的灵长类动物,包括东非同期的旁生波旁虫和波罗的鱼,主要以草和莎草(即类蠕虫)为食。作为唯一的活灵长类灵长类动物,吉拉达猴子(Theropithecus gelada)可以洞察灭绝的草食和食灵长类动物的饮食策略。过去对吉拉达饮食的研究持续时间很短,并且发生在受到严重干扰的生态系统中。我们对埃塞俄比亚瓜萨完整的非洲高山生态系统中的吉拉达喂养生态进行了长期研究。在7年的时间里,瓜萨的格拉达斯人食用了≥56种植物,≥20种无脊椎动物,一种爬行动物和一种鸟类的卵。年度饮食包括56.8%的类胡萝卜素部分,37.8%的福布斯部分,2.8%的无脊椎动物和2.6%的其他食物,尽管瓜拉达人在整个月中的饮食差异很大。在古萨(Guassa),可食用的叉子相对稀少,但格拉达斯(Geladas)强烈选择食用。随着时间的推移,高粒状叶和高粒状种子头的消耗与正相关,地下食物的消耗与负相关。瓜萨(Guassa)的吉拉达斯(Geladas)食用了富含类动物的食物,但与更扰动的栖息地中的吉拉达斯(Geladas)不同的是,它也吃掉了许多前肢和无脊椎动物以及偶尔的脊椎动物猎物。尽管类胡萝卜素是冰淇淋的主食,但地下食品却是重要的“后备食品”。我们讨论了这项研究的意义,这是对唯一现存的灵长类食肉动物的摄食生态学的首次深入研究,目的是了解食人猿和人参假定的食人动物,食人猿Thewaldithecus oswaldi和Paranthropus boisei的饮食演变。 Am J Phys Anthropol 155:1-16,2014年。



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