首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Estrogenic plant foods of red colobus monkeys and mountain gorillas in uganda

Estrogenic plant foods of red colobus monkeys and mountain gorillas in uganda


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Phytoestrogens, or naturally occurring estrogen-mimicking compounds, are found in many human plant foods, such as soybeans (Glycine max) and other legumes. Because the consumption of phytoestrogens may result in both health benefits of protecting against estrogen-dependent cancers and reproductive costs of disrupting the developing endocrine system, considerable biomedical research has been focused on the physiological and behavioral effects of these compounds. Despite this interest, little is known about the occurrence of phytoestrogens in the diets of wild primates, nor their likely evolutionary importance. We investigated the prevalence of estrogenic plant foods in the diets of two folivorous primate species, the red colobus monkey (Procolobus rufomitratus) of Kibale National Park and mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei) of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, both in Uganda. To examine plant foods for estrogenic activity, we screened 44 plant items (species and part) comprising 78.4% of the diet of red colobus monkeys and 53 plant items comprising 85.2% of the diet of mountain gorillas using transient transfection assays. At least 10.6% of the red colobus diet and 8.8% of the gorilla diet had estrogenic activity. This was mainly the result of the red colobus eating three estrogenic staple foods and the gorillas eating one estrogenic staple food. All estrogenic plants exhibited estrogen receptor (ER) subtype selectivity, as their phytoestrogens activated ERβ, but not ERα. These results demonstrate that estrogenic plant foods are routinely consumed by two folivorous primate species. Phytoestrogens in the wild plant foods of these two species and many other wild primates may have important implications for understanding primate reproductive ecology.
机译:植物雌激素或天然存在的模仿雌激素的化合物存在于许多人类植物性食品中,例如大豆(Glycine max)和其他豆类。由于食用植物雌激素可能会导致预防雌激素依赖性癌症的健康益处和破坏发育中的内分泌系统的生殖成本,因此大量的生物医学研究已集中在这些化合物的生理和行为效应上。尽管有这种兴趣,但关于野生灵长类动物饮食中植物雌激素的发生及其可能的进化重要性知之甚少。我们调查了乌干达的两种叶状灵长类动物,即基巴莱国家公园的红疣猴(Procolobus rufomitratus)和布恩迪难以穿越的国家公园的山地大猩猩(Gorilla beringei)的饮食中的雌激素性植物食物的患病率。为了检查植物性食物的雌激素活性,我们使用瞬时转染测定法筛选了24种植物(物种和部分),占红疣猴饮食的78.4%和53种植物,占山地大猩猩饮食的85.2%。至少有10.6%的红色疣猴饮食和8.8%的大猩猩饮食具有雌激素活性。这主要是由于红色疣猴吃了三种雌激素主食,大猩猩吃了一种雌激素主食。所有雌激素植物都表现出雌激素受体(ER)亚型选择性,因为它们的植物雌激素激活ERβ,但不激活ERα。这些结果表明,雌性植物性食物通常被两个有叶的灵长类动物食用。这两个物种和许多其他野生灵长类动物的野生植物食物中的植物雌激素可能对理解灵长类动物的繁殖生态学具有重要意义。



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