首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Multi-isotopic analysis reveals individual mobility and diet at the early iron age monumental tumulus of magdalenenberg, germany

Multi-isotopic analysis reveals individual mobility and diet at the early iron age monumental tumulus of magdalenenberg, germany


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For the Early Iron Age western Hallstatt culture, which includes the site of Magdalenenberg in southwest Germany, it has been proposed that people were mobile and maintained far reaching social and trading networks throughout Europe. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing multiple isotopes (strontium, oxygen, sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen) of the preserved skeletons from the Magdalenenberg elite cemetery to determine diets and to look for evidence of mobility. The analysis of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotope ratios in collagen of humans (n = 50) and associated domestic fauna (n = 10) indicates a terrestrial-based diet. There was a heterogeneous range of isotope values in both strontium (0.70725 to 0.71923, n = 76) and oxygen (13.4° to 18.5°, n = 78) measured in tooth enamel. Although many of the individuals had values consistent with being from Hallstatt culture sites within southwest Germany, some individuals likely originated from further afield. Possible areas include the Alps of Switzerland and Austria or even locations in Italy. Our study strongly supports the assumption of far reaching social and economic networks in the western Hallstatt culture.
机译:对于铁器时代早期的西部哈尔施塔特文化(包括德国西南部的马格达嫩贝格遗址),有人提出人们应该流动并且在整个欧洲保持着广泛的社会和贸易网络。我们通过分析Magdalenenberg精英公墓保存的骨骼的多种同位素(锶,氧,硫,碳和氮)(包括锶,氧,硫,碳和氮)来确定饮食并寻找流动性的证据,从而检验了这一假设。对人类(n = 50)和相关家畜(n = 10)胶原蛋白中碳,氮和硫同位素比率的分析表明,这些食物是以陆地为基础的。在牙釉质中测得的锶(0.70725至0.71923,n = 76)和氧气(13.4°至18.5°,n = 78)中的同位素值均存在异质范围。尽管许多人的价值观与德国西南部哈尔施塔特文化遗址的价值观相符,但仍有一些人可能来自更远的地方。可能的区域包括瑞士和奥地利的阿尔卑斯山,甚至在意大利。我们的研究强烈支持西方哈尔施塔特文化中影响深远的社会和经济网络的假设。



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