首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Skeletal Manifestations of Stress in Child Victims of the Great Irish Famine (1845-1852): Prevalence of Enamel Hypoplasia, Harris Lines, and Growth Retardation

Skeletal Manifestations of Stress in Child Victims of the Great Irish Famine (1845-1852): Prevalence of Enamel Hypoplasia, Harris Lines, and Growth Retardation


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The Great Irish Famine of 1845-1852 is among the worst food crises in human history. While numerous aspects of this period have been studied by generations of scholars, relatively little attention has so far been given to the physiological impact it is likely to have had on the people who suffered and succumbed to it. This study examines the prevalence of enamel hypoplasia, Harris lines, and growth retardation in the nonadult proportion of a skeletal population comprising victims of the Famine who died in the workhouse in the city of Kilkenny between 1847 and 1851. The frequency of enamel hypoplasia in these children does not appear to have increased as a consequence of famine, although this fact is likely to be a reflection of the osteological paradox. Harris lines and growth retardation; however, were very prevalent, and the manifestation and agespecific distribution of these may be indicators of the Famine experience. While there was no clear correlation in the occurrence of the assessed markers, the presence of cribra orbitalia displayed a significant relationship to enamel hypoplasia in 1- to 5-year-old children. While starvation, metabolic disorders and infectious diseases are likely to have greatly contributed to the manifestation of the markers, the psychosocial stress relating to institutionalization in the workhouse should not be underestimated as a substantial causative factor for skeletal stress in this population. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:149-161, 2014.
机译:1845-1852年的爱尔兰大饥荒是人类历史上最严重的粮食危机之一。尽管这一代人已经研究了这一时期的许多方面,但迄今为止,对它可能对遭受和屈服的人们产生的生理影响的关注很少。这项研究调查了在1847年至1851年间在基尔肯尼市的工作间死亡的包括饥荒受害者的骨骼人口中成年人的釉质发育不全,哈里斯系和生长迟缓的患病率。尽管饥荒使儿童看起来并没有增加,尽管这一事实很可能反映出骨病学上的悖论。哈里斯系和生长迟缓;然而,这些现象非常普遍,这些现象的表现和年龄分布可能是饥荒经历的指标。虽然评估的标记物的发生没有明显的相关性,但在1至5岁的儿童中,斑马眼眶的存在与牙釉质发育不全有着显着的关系。虽然饥饿,代谢紊乱和传染病可能对标记物的表现有很大贡献,但不应低估与工作场所机构化有关的社会心理压力,因为它是该人群骨骼压力的重要原因。 Am J Phys Anthropol 155:149-161,2014年。



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