首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Fossil papio cranium from !Ncumtsa (Koanaka) Hills, western Ngamiland, Botswana

Fossil papio cranium from !Ncumtsa (Koanaka) Hills, western Ngamiland, Botswana


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Three fossils, a cranium of Papio, a cercopithecid frontal bone, and a mandible of juvenile Papio, have been recovered from cave deposits in the !Ncumtsa (Koanaka) Hills of western Ngamiland, Botswana. These specimens are significant because well-preserved crania of Papio are extremely rare in the fossil record outside of South Africa and because this is the first report of fossil primate cranial remains from Botswana. Thermoluminescence dating of surrounding cave matrix indicates an age of ≥317 ± 114 ka, within the Middle Pleistocene, although it may be older. Based on univariate and multivariate analyses, the adult !Ncumtsa specimen falls within the range of variation seen in extant forms of Papio, yet is distinct from any living species/subspecies and represents a new taxon, named here as a new subspecies of Papio hamadryas-Papio hamadryas botswanae.
机译:从博茨瓦纳Ngamiland西部的!Ncumtsa(Koanaka)山的洞穴沉积物中,发现了三种化石,一种是Papio的头盖骨,一个长颈鹿的额骨,还有一个下颚的下颚骨。这些标本具有重要意义,因为保存良好的巴比牛的颅骨在南非以外的化石记录中极为罕见,并且这是来自博茨瓦纳的灵长类动物颅骨遗骸的首次报道。周围洞穴基质的热发光测年表明中更新世以内的年龄≥317±114 ka,尽管年龄可能更大。根据单变量和多变量分析,成年!Ncumtsa标本属于现存的Papio形式中的变异范围,但不同于任何活的物种/亚种,并且代表了一个新的分类单元,在此被称为Papio hamadryas-的新亚种。博茨瓦纳的狒狒。



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