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On the inner cuticle of angiospermous seeds


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The inner cuticle of seeds has been studied for 50 plant species belonging to different angiospermous genera and families by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In 48 species, the cuticle is found between the testa and the endosperm. Published sources do not elucidate the origin of this cuticle. In the studied species, the cuticle is mostly present only on the surface of the endosperm or the nucellus cells. In some genera, the cuticle is present on the inner testa cells (species of Festuca and Artemisia), or only on these cells (Arabidopsis). Our study has shown the cuticle to have different thickness (from 0.11 to 6.61 #mu#) and structure (7 structure types). It is found that, in the species with crassinucellate ovule and no perisperm,the cuticle is located on remains of the nucellus (e.g. Alcea, Urtica and Festuca), and, in the species with tenuinucellate ovule, it is located on the endosperm cell walls (29 species). In plants of the same species grown under different conditions, thecuticle thickness may either remain constant (Artemisia commutata), or vary significantly (Festuca pratensis).
机译:通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)研究了种子的50种植物物种属于不同的缓血性包围和家庭。在48种,在睾丸和胚乳之间发现了角质层。公布的来源不会阐明这种角质层的起源。在研究的物种中,角质层仅存在于胚乳或核细胞的表面上。在一些属中,该角质层存在于内部测试细胞(Festuca和artemisia的种类)上,或仅在这些细胞(拟南芥)上。我们的研究表明,角质层具有不同的厚度(从0.11至6.61#mu#)和结构(7种结构类型)。结果发现,在具有粗糙胚轴的物种和没有perisperm的物种中,该角质层位于核心(例如Alcea,Urtica和Festuca)的遗骸上,并且在具有Tenuincellate胚珠的物种中,它位于胚乳壁上(29种)。在不同条件下生长的相同物种的植物中,厚度厚度可以保持恒定(artemisia Conmutata),或者显着变化(Festuca pratensis)。



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