首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Perinatology >Adverse obstetric outcomes in women with previous cesarean for dystocia in second stage of labor

Adverse obstetric outcomes in women with previous cesarean for dystocia in second stage of labor


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Objective To evaluate obstetric outcomes in women undergoing a trial of labor (TOL) after a previous cesarean for dystocia in second stage of labor. Methods A retrospective cohort study of women with one previous low transverse cesarean undergoing a first TOL was performed. Women with previous cesarean for dystocia in first stage and those with previous dystocia in second stage were compared with those with previous cesarean for nonrecurrent reasons (controls). Multivariable regressions analyses were performed. Results Of 1655 women, those with previous dystocia in second stage of labor (n = 204) had greater risks than controls (n = 880) to have an operative delivery [odds ratio (OR): 1.5; 95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.1 to 2.2], shoulder dystocia (OR: 2.9; 95% CI 1.1 to 8.0), and uterine rupture in the second stage of labor (OR: 4.9; 95% CI 1.1 to 23), and especially in case of fetal macrosomia (OR: 29.6; 95% CI 4.4 to 202). The median second stage of labor duration before uterine rupture was 2.5 hours (interquartile range: 1.5 to 3.2 hours) in these women. Conclusion Previous cesarean for dystocia in the second stage of labor is associated with second-stage uterine rupture at next delivery, especially in cases of suspected fetal macrosomia and prolonged second stage of labor.
机译:目的评估第二次分娩中因难产剖腹产后接受分娩试验(TOL)的妇女的产科结局。方法对先前曾接受过低横向剖宫产的女性进行首次TOL的回顾性队列研究。对因非复发原因而在第一阶段因剖腹产而难产的孕妇和在第二阶段因先前难产而剖宫产的妇女与先前因难治性剖宫产的妇女进行比较。进行了多元回归分析。结果在1655名妇女中,第二次分娩时有难产的妇女(n = 204)比对照组(n = 880)具有更高的手术分娩风险[几率(OR):1.5; 95%置信区间(CI)1.1至2.2],肩难产(OR:2.9; 95%CI 1.1至8.0)和第二胎分娩时子宫破裂(OR:4.9; 95%CI 1.1至23),以及特别是在胎儿巨大儿的情况下(OR:29.6; 95%CI 4.4至202)。在这些妇女中,子宫破裂前第二分娩持续时间的中位数为2.5小时(四分位间距:1.5至3.2小时)。结论先前在第二产程剖宫产难产与下次分娩时的第二期子宫破裂有关,尤其是在怀疑胎儿巨大儿和第二产程延长的情况下。



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