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Provider views on the management of Ewing sarcoma of the spine and pelvis


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Background Curative therapy for ES requires both chemotherapy and local control of primary tumor. There is no universally accepted standard approach to local control modalities. This survey was conducted to determine practice patterns and factors influencing the choice to offer various local control modalities to patients with ES of the spine and pelvis. Methods The survey consisted of four scenarios involving a 15‐year‐old girl who presented with Ewing sarcoma of thoracic vertebra, sacrum, iliac wing, and acetabulum with or without neurologic compromise. The questionnaire was sent to oncologists, orthopedic surgeons, and radiation oncologists, asking their recommendations for local control modality. Results Among 94 respondents, radiotherapy was most frequently chosen for sacral tumors (68.1%) and T10 vertebral tumors (46.2%) whereas surgery was preferred for iliac wing pelvic tumors (45.7%) and acetabular tumors (43.6%). Orthopedic surgeons were significantly more likely to offer surgery than radiation oncologists (OR 3.07, 95%CI 1.37‐6.88, P ?=?0.007). Providers outside North America were more likely to offer combined surgery plus radiotherapy (OR 10.58, 95%CI 5.41‐20.70, P ??0.001). Conclusion Considerable heterogeneity exists in local control modalities for Ewing sarcoma of the spine and pelvis. Specialty and location of practice may influence treatment recommendations.
机译:ES的背景疗法治疗需要化疗和原发性肿瘤的局部控制。没有普遍接受的局部控制方式的标准方法。进行该调查,以确定影响脊柱和骨盆患者为患者提供各种局部控制方式的选择的实践模式和因素。方法调查包括四个情景,涉及一名15岁的女孩,他们介绍了胸椎,骶骨,髂翼和髋臼的母猪肉瘤,有或没有神经系统妥协。调查问卷被送到肿瘤学家,矫形外科医生和辐射肿瘤学家,询问他们对局部控制方式的建议。结果在94名受访者之间,放疗最常为骶骨肿瘤(68.1%)和T10椎体肿瘤(46.2%),而手术是髂翅膀盆腔肿瘤(45.7%)和髋臼肿瘤(43.6%)。矫形外科医生明显更容易提供手术,而不是放射肿瘤学家(或3.07,95%CI 1.37-6.88,P?= 0.007)。北美以外的供应商更有可能提供联合外科加放射疗法(或10.58,95%CI 5.41-20.70,P?& 0.001)。结论脊柱和骨盆肉瘤的局部对照方式存在相当大的异质性。实践的专业和地点可能会影响治疗建议。



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