首页> 外文期刊>Journal of ornithology >Habitat choice shapes the spring stopover behaviour of a Nearctic-Neotropical migratory songbird

Habitat choice shapes the spring stopover behaviour of a Nearctic-Neotropical migratory songbird

机译:栖息地选择塑造了自反应 - 新媒体迁徙鸣禽的春天停止行为

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The effect of habitat choice on fuelling behaviour and the Organization of migration in birds has rarely been examined, despite the potential impact of widespread anthropogenic transformation of stopover régions. High energetic requirements in migrating birds mean that resource abundance, through its influence on fuel déposition rates (FDR), is expected to be the main déterminant of stopover and migration strategy. We examined the spring stopover of Tennessee Warblers (Oreothlypis peregrina) in northern Colombia, evaluating how diet, FDR, stopover duration, departure mass and estimated flight range varied between two commonly used stopover habitats: shade coffee plantations and pre-montane forests. Diet included insects in both habitats, but fruit was only consumed in pre-montane forest, where FDR was highest (FDR forest = 2.4% LBM/day; coffee = 0.5% LBM/day). Three différent estimates of stopover duration suggested longer stays in coffee but lengthier dura-tions did not resuit in équivalent departure mass between habitats, such that estimated flight range was twice as long for birds departing forest (2000 km) relative to coffee (1088 km). We conclude that stopover performance differed between habitats, likely infiuencing the subséquent temporal and spatial Organization of spring migration. On the basis of flight ranges, stopo-vers in shade coffee may also increase the risks of trans-Caribbean flights, suggesting a mechanism by which stopover habitat could directly influence survival. Giventhat fruit consumption in forest probably explains thèse différences, we recommend the identification of appropriate fruiting trees for Neotropical agroforestry Systems that can tolerate a variety of conditions and increase the quality of thèse anthropogenic habitats for migratory and other frugivorous birds.
机译:居住选择对燃料行为的影响和鸟类中迁移组织的影响很少被审查,尽管渣戊烷的潜伏期转化潜在影响。迁徙鸟类中的高性能要求意味着通过其对燃料Déposition率(FDR)的影响,资源丰富预计将成为中途停留和移民策略的主要称为。我们在哥伦比亚北部的田纳西莺(Oleothlypis Peregrina)的春天停留,评估了两种常用的中断栖息地之间的饮食,FDR,中断持续时间,出发质量和估计的飞行范围:遮阳咖啡种植园和蒙太金林。饮食包括两种栖息地的昆虫,但果实仅在蒙太烷林常果林中消耗,其中FDR最高(FDR Forest = 2.4%LBM / Day; Coffee = 0.5%LBM /天)。三个扩散持续时间的估计表明,较长的咖啡留在咖啡中,但较长的硬化症没有留在栖息地之间的équival的离境质量中,这估计飞行范围是森林(2000公里)相对于咖啡(1088公里)的两倍。我们得出结论,栖息地之间的中途停留性能不同,可能导致春季移民的次要时间和空间组织。在飞行范围的基础上,STOPTO-VERS在阴影咖啡中也可能增加跨加勒比航班的风险,表明中断栖息地可以直接影响生存的机制。 GIVENTHAT果实在森林中的果实消费可能解释了ThèseFifférences,我们建议鉴定用于探斗各种条件的新生制剂系统适当的果实树,并提高迁徙和其他丰富鸟类的Thèse人类栖息地的质量。



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