首页> 外文期刊>Journal of ornithology >Molecular assessment of the distribution and taxonomy of the Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca complex in Iran, with particular emphasis on the identity of the contentious taxon, zagrossiensis Sarudny, 1911

Molecular assessment of the distribution and taxonomy of the Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca complex in Iran, with particular emphasis on the identity of the contentious taxon, zagrossiensis Sarudny, 1911

机译:伊朗较小惠特罗斯特·西尔维亚CURRUCA复合体分配和分类的分子评估,特别强调了争议分类的身份,Zagrosesiensis Sarudny,1911

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The Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca complex continues to provide challenges for ornithologists and taxonomists. One of the remaining outstanding questions concerns the taxonomic identity of the different breeding populations in Iran and in particular zagrossiensis, which inhabits the Zagros mountains. We here used the three mitochondrial genes cyt b, COI and ND2, to evaluate samples of the Lesser Whitethroat complex from Iran. Our data include predominantly samples from the breeding season, and we find evidence of three taxa from Iran, of which two are certainly breeding; althaea from Kopet Dagh in NE Iran and the Kerman mountains, east of the Zagros mountains, SE Iran; and curruca from central Zagros mountains and northwestern Iran. Three samples of halimodendri from the south of Iran were migrating or wintering birds. The taxonomically contentious population from the Zagros mountains is here identified as belonging to the curruca clade, and evidence to recognize zagrossiensis based on molecular data is deemed insufficient.
机译:较小的白丝松族Sylvia Curruca综合体继续为鸟类学家和分类家提供挑战。其余的未突出问题涉及伊朗不同育种人口的分类学标识,特别是Zagrossiensis,居住在ZAGROS山脉中。我们在这里使用了三种线粒体基因Cyt B,COI和ND2,从伊朗评估较小的Whitethroat复合物的样品。我们的数据主要包括来自繁殖季的样本,我们发现来自伊朗的三个分类群的证据,其中两个人肯定繁殖;伊朗·伊朗东部的Kopet Dagh althaea来自Kopet Dagh,伊朗Zagros Mountainse以东,伊朗;来自中央Zagros山脉和伊朗西北部的Curruca。来自伊朗南部的三个Halimodendri样品正在迁移或越冬鸟类。来自Zagros Mountains的分类学争论人口在这里被鉴定为属于Curruca的思考,并且基于分子数据识别Zagressiensis的证据被认为是不充分的。



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