首页> 外文期刊>Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews >Telemedicine for screening diabetic retinopathy: The NO BLIND Italian multicenter study

Telemedicine for screening diabetic retinopathy: The NO BLIND Italian multicenter study


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Abstract Aims Diabetic retinopathy (DR) represents the main cause of blindness among adults in the industrialized Countries. Use of telemedicine could offer an easy, smart specialist fundus oculi examination, as well as putting in a screening programme many patients who otherwise would be excluded. Materials and methods The NO BLIND is a transversal, multicentre, observational study. Its pilot phase involved nine public outpatient clinics for 6?months. As endpoint of the study, we assessed the prevalence of DR by retinography in a subset of the Italian population. Patients' fundus oculi photos were performed by trained diabetologists through a digital smart ophthalmoscope. Results According to our endpoint, in the final study population (n?=?1461), obtained excluding patients for whom retinography was not able to provide any diagnosis, DR prevalence was equal to 15.5%. According to the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve performed, we can observe how retinography appears a highly accurate method to detect DR (AUROC 0.971, 95% confidence interval, 0.954‐0.989), with a specificity of the 100% and a sensitivity of the 94.3%. Conclusions Our findings, in an Italian setting, confirm main data in the literature about DR prevalence. Hence, telemedicine could represent an accurate, fast, and cheap method for screening of DR.
机译:摘要目标糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)代表了工业化国家成人失明的主要原因。使用远程医疗可以提供简单,智能专业的眼底考试,以及放入筛选计划,许多否则将被排除在外的患者。材料和方法没有盲是横向,多期,观察研究。其试验阶段涉及6个月的九个公共门诊诊所。作为该研究的终点,我们在意大利人口的子集中评估了瑞氏术的患病措施。患者的眼底oculi照片通过训练有素的糖尿病学家通过数字智能眼镜镜进行。结果根据我们的终点,在最终的研究人群中(N?= 1461),除了患者不包括患者无法提供任何诊断的患者,普及博士等于15.5%。根据接收器操作特征(ROC)曲线进行,我们可以观察到Requitup over出现高精度的方法来检测DR(Auroc 0.971,95%置信区间,0.954-0.989),其特异性为100%和灵敏度94.3%。结论我们的调查结果,在意大利设置,确认文学中的主要数据有关普遍的普遍存在。因此,远程医疗可以代表准确,快速,廉价的筛选博士方法。



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