首页> 外文期刊>Journal of transcultural nursing: official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society >Cultural Issues in the Provision of Emergency Care to Irregular Migrants Who Arrive in Spain by Small Boats

Cultural Issues in the Provision of Emergency Care to Irregular Migrants Who Arrive in Spain by Small Boats


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Introduction: The European Union receives one third of the world's migrant population who cross the Mediterranean Sea in small boats and arrive illegally in Europe. Irregular migrants (IMs) are persons who do not have legal permission, documentation, or refugee status and are not authorized to enter or stay in a given country. More than half a million IMs arrive in the European Union by sea creating serious public health issues in Greece, Italy, and Spain, thereby needing emergency care. The purpose of this study was to describe and understand the experiences of IMs who arrive in Spain by small boats in terms of cultural issues surrounding the provision of emergency care. Method: A qualitative study based on Gadamer's phenomenology was used. Data were collected between 2015 and 2018 using 12 in-depth interviews of IMs. Results: Three main themes arose: "IMs driven by a culture of emigration in countries of origin," "Facing risk in search of a better life," and "The need for cultural adaptation in emergency care." Discussion: Biopsychosocial and cultural needs must be addressed when providing emergency care to IMs who arrive in Europe by small boat.
机译:简介:欧洲联盟收到世界上三分之一的移民人口,他们在小船中穿过地中海,并在欧洲非法到达。不规则移民(IMS)是没有法律许可,文件或难民身份的人,并且无权在给定国家进入或留在一起。超过500万IMS通过海上抵达欧盟,在希腊,意大利和西班牙造成严重的公共卫生问题,从而需要紧急护理。本研究的目的是描述并理解IMS的IMS的经验,在围绕围绕提供应急护理的文化问题方面抵达西班牙。方法:使用基于甘胺的现象学的定性研究。 2015年间2018年之间收集了数据,使用12个深入的IMS访谈。结果:三个主要主题出现:“由起源国的移民文化驱动的IMS,”面临着寻求更好生活的风险“和”需要在紧急护理方面的文化适应“。讨论:必须在为抵达欧洲的小船提供紧急护理时解决活检性和文化需求。



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