首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Royal Society Interface >An analytical approach for quantifying the influence of nanoparticle polydispersity on cellular delivered dose

An analytical approach for quantifying the influence of nanoparticle polydispersity on cellular delivered dose


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Nanoparticles provide a promising approach for the targeted delivery of therapeutic, diagnostic and imaging agents in the body. However, it is not yet fully understood how the physico-chemical properties of the nanoparticles influence cellular association and uptake. Cellular association experiments are routinely performed in an effort to determine how nanoparticle properties impact the rate of nanoparticle-cell association. To compare experiments in a meaningful manner, the association data must be normalized by the amount of nanoparticles that arrive at the cells, a measure referred to as the delivered dose. The delivered dose is calculated from a model of nanoparticle transport through fluid. A standard assumption is that all nanoparticles within the population are monodisperse, namely the nanoparticles have the same physico-chemical properties. We present a semi-analytic solution to a modified model of nanoparticle transport that allows for the nanoparticle population to be polydisperse. This solution allows us to efficiently analyse the influence of polydispersity on the delivered dose. Combining characterization data obtained from a range of commonly used nanoparticles and our model, we find that the delivered dose changes by more than a factor of 2 if realistic amounts of polydispersity are considered.
机译:纳米粒子提供了有希望的靶向递送体内治疗,诊断和成像剂的方法。然而,尚未充分理解纳米颗粒的物理化学性质如何影响细胞结合和摄取的方式。常规进行细胞结合实验,以确定纳米粒子特性如何影响纳米颗粒 - 细胞缔合的速率。为了以有意义的方式进行比较实验,结合数据必须通过到达细胞的纳米颗粒的量来标准化,该措施称为递送剂量。通过通过流体的纳米粒子输送模型计算递送剂量。标准假设是群体内的所有纳米颗粒是单分散的,即纳米颗粒具有相同的物理化学性质。我们向纳米粒子转运的改性模型提出了半分析溶液,其允许纳米颗粒种群成为多分散的。该解决方案允许我们有效地分析多分散性对递送剂量的影响。组合从一系列常用的纳米粒子和我们模型中获得的表征数据,如果考虑了多分散性,则递送剂量会在2的情况下变为2倍。



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