首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials >Novel adhesives for distal radius fixation: A biomechanical analysis

Novel adhesives for distal radius fixation: A biomechanical analysis


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Wrist fractures can be difficult to treat due to advanced age of the patient, medical co-morbidities, and comminution? of the bone. This study examines the effectiveness of two injectable glass polyalkenoate cements (GPCs), derived from two different glasses (A and B), as minimally invasive treatments for distal radius fractures. Twenty-seven fresh cadaveric radial pairs were tested either in compressive fatigue or to quasi-static compressive failure. The radii tested to failure had one pair fixated with a GPC while the other was left intact. The radii tested under fatigue had one pair fixated with a GPC and the other with a volar locking plate. A wedge osteotomy was used to simulate a severely comminuted fracture. When loaded to failure, the radii fixated with a GPC made from glass A or B were found to be, respectively, at least 57% and 62% as strong as their intact biological pair (95% Confidence Interval, Lower). Using a pairedt-test, the radii fixated with either adhesive were found to be significantly stiffer than their biological pairs fixated with a volar locking plate for all cycles of fatigue loading. The adhesives under investigation demonstrate promise as treatment for distal radius fractures.In vivoinvestigations are warranted to determine the effect that the adhesives have on the bone remodelling process.



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