首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Spatial Variation of Potassium Quantity/Intensity Relationships and Buffering Capacity of Some Entisols of the HimalayanFloodplain

Spatial Variation of Potassium Quantity/Intensity Relationships and Buffering Capacity of Some Entisols of the HimalayanFloodplain


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Exchangeable soil potassium (K) determined by NH4OAc may not always be a reliable indicator of K availability to crops. In that case, K quantity/intensity (Q/I) relationship could be used to predict its availability in soils. This relationship was used to estimate the K supplying capacity in six surface (0-20 cm) and sub-surface (20-40 cm) soils of Entisols at six different blocks of Cooch Behar district, India situated at Himalayan floodplain. The soils were mostly sandy loam in texture and acidic in pH (5.20 to 6.49). The organic carbon (OC), cation exchange capacity (CEC), clay content and available K were lower in the sub-surface layers (20-40 cm). The plant available K was positively correlated with OC (r = 0.764**, n = 12), clay (r = 0.824**,n = 12) and CEC (r = 0.742**, n = 12). The values of activity ratio of K at equilibrium (AR_e~K) in soils varied from 5.3x10~4 to 15.2x10~4 in the surface and 3.3x10~4 to 9.2x10~4 in the sub-surface layers. The AR_e~K value was positively correlated withexchangeable K. The total labile pool of K varied with the variation in soil exchangeable K (r = 0.586, n = 12), CEC (r = 0.745**, n = 12) and clay content (r = 0.866**, n = 12). The potential buffering capacity (PBCK) was also much dependent on clay (r= 0.702*, n = 12), OC (r = 0.853**, n = 12) and CEC (r = 0.773**, n = 12) of soil. The lower PBC~K values suggest the frequent requirement of K-fertilization for increased crop productivity.
机译:NH4OAc测定的可更换的土壤钾(K)可能并不总是是KOPS可用性指标。在这种情况下,k数量/强度(q / i)关系可用于预测其在土壤中的可用性。这种关系用于估算六个表面(0-20厘米)和初学者的六个表面(20-40厘米)土壤中的k供应能力,位于印度的Cooch区,位于喜马拉雅洪泛区。土壤在质地和pH中的酸性壤土大多是含沙壤土(5.20至6.49)。有机碳(OC),阳离子交换能力(CEC),粘土含量和可用k在亚表面层(20-40cm)中较低。可用植物K与OC正相关(r = 0.764 **,n = 12),粘土(r = 0.824 **,n = 12)和cec(r = 0.742 **,n = 12)。土壤中k处于平衡(Ar_e〜k)的k值的活性比值在表面层中的5.3×10〜4至15.2×10〜4中变化。 AR_E〜k值与可进一步的K值呈正相关。K的总不稳定池随着土壤可交换k的变化而变化(r = 0.586,n = 12),cec(r = 0.745 **,n = 12)和粘土含量(r = 0.866 **,n = 12)。潜在的缓冲能力(PBCK)也依赖于粘土(r = 0.702 *,n = 12),oc(r = 0.853 **,n = 12)和cec(r = 0.773 **,n = 12)土壤。较低的PBC〜K值表明K-施肥的频繁要求增加作物生产力。



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