首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Forestry >Ozone, acid deposition, and mycorrhization effects on loblolly pine and white oak: II. Nutrition and water relations

Ozone, acid deposition, and mycorrhization effects on loblolly pine and white oak: II. Nutrition and water relations

机译:臭氧,酸沉积和腐蚀症和白橡木的腐败作用:II。 营养与水关系

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Effects of tropospheric O3 (0.0, 0.06, and 0.12 #mu#L L-1), acid precipitation (pH 4.8, 4.2, and 3.6), and induced ectomycorrhizal colonization (Pisolithus tinctorius vs. natural mycobiont), alone and in combination, on soil and seedling nutrition andwater relations in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and white oak (Quercus alba), were examined. Nutritional assessment included analysis for essential elements plus Al in soils and foliage and calculation of a series of base cation:metallic element molar ratios. Among treatment effects on soils, pH of those in which loblolly pine were grown declined with increasing O3 and rainfall acidity and that of the white oak soils with the latter, while S increased with rain acidity in the soils of both species. The K
机译:对流层O3(0.0,0.06和0.12#Mu#L L-1),酸沉淀(pH 4.8,4.2和3.6)的影响,并诱导颈菌腐殖殖民化(平均TINTICORIUS与天然肌肉),单独和组合, 研究了遗出松树(松树TAEDA)和白橡木(栎藻)的土壤和苗木营养和水域关系。 营养评估包括土壤和叶子中基本元素加的原因分析以及一系列基础阳离子的计算:金属元素摩尔比。 在对土壤的治疗效果中,随着后者的o3和降雨酸度的增加,储质杉木的pH值下降,而后者的白色橡木土壤的酸度下降,而且S的雨水在两种物种的土壤中增加。 K.



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