首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rubber Research >Genetic Diversity of Wild Germplasm and Cultivated Clones of Hevea brasiliensis MuelL Arg. Detected by RAPD Analysis

Genetic Diversity of Wild Germplasm and Cultivated Clones of Hevea brasiliensis MuelL Arg. Detected by RAPD Analysis

机译:HEVEA Brasiliensis Muell Arg野生种质和栽培克隆遗传多样性。 通过RAPD分析检测

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Information about genetic diversity of a population is essential in breeding programmes. Characterisation of rubber germplasm for providing genotype diversity can be accomplished by morphological or genotypic assessment. The objective of this study was to obtain information about the genetic diversity of rubber based on DNA analysis. The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used as a tool for assessing diversity and the genetic relationships among 41 wild germplasms and 45 cultivated clones of rubber. DNA polymorphisms among germplasm were scored in binary form based on the presence (1) and absence (0) of each band. A dendogram was assembled through a UPGMA cluster analysis using the NTSys programme. From the RAPD analysis using 14 random primers, a total of 86 polymorphic amplified products (81.9 % total) were obtained from both populations, wild germplasm and cultivated clones, with the levels of polymorphic fragments ranging from 66.7% to 88.9%. The level of polymorphism of the wild germplasm was higher than the cultivated clones. The dendrogram showed that the 86 accessions were separated into five clusters with different degrees of genetic similarity, while the wild germplasm was separated from the cultivated clones with a genetic similarity of 0.5 6. This information could be used as a guide in the selection of wild germplasms for enlarging the genetic resource in rubber breeding programmes.
机译:有关群体遗传多样性的信息对于繁殖计划至关重要。用于提供基因型多样性的橡胶种质的表征可以通过形态学或基因型评估来实现。本研究的目的是基于DNA分析获取有关橡胶遗传多样性的信息。随机扩增的多晶型DNA(RAPD)技术用作评估多样性和41个野生种子和45种橡胶克隆的遗传关系的工具。种质中的DNA多态性基于每个带的存在(1)和缺失(0),以二进制形式评分。使用NTSYS程序通过UPGMA集群分析组装DENDOMGOM。从使用14种随机引物的RAPD分析,从群体,野生种质和培养的克隆中获得总共86种多态性扩增产物(总量81.9%),多态性片段的水平为66.7%至88.9%。野生种质的多态性水平高于培养的克隆。树木图表明,86种载体分离成具有不同程度的遗传相似性的五种簇,而野生种质与遗传相似性为0.5 6.此信息可用作野生选择的指导用于扩大橡胶育种计划中遗传资源的种质。



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