首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rural Studies >Labour migrants and rural change: The 'mobility transformation' of Hitra/Froya, Norway, 2005-2015

Labour migrants and rural change: The 'mobility transformation' of Hitra/Froya, Norway, 2005-2015

机译:劳动移民和农村变革:2005-2015的Hitra / Froya的“流动转型”

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After the 2004 and 2007 EU enlargements, large numbers of Eastern European labour migrants settled in rural destinations in Western Europe where they predominantly found low-skilled manual labour jobs in rural industries. These labour migrants differ from other types of rural migrants (e.g., domestic in- and out-migrants, lifestyle and amenity migrants, international refugees and asylum seekers) and represent distinct challenges and opportunities for the host rural communities for example in terms of novel forms of social inequalities and cultural diversities. This paper discusses the dynamics of transnational labour mobilities and their consequences for rural Europe by investigating the case of the Hitra/Froya community, until recently a traditionalist rural community in Mid-Norway. As a result of large-scale labour migration, over the last decade the region has developed into a genuine high-mobility, transnational rural community and is now characterised by its heterogeneous social fabric. From the local elites' perspective, which seems to have hegemonic status in the region, the transformation is a successful, triple-win situation: The community at large develops a more sustainable economy and sees population growth and reduced social problems, the locals enjoy the boosted economy and its many benefits, and the in-migrants escape economic austerity in their homelands and are successfully integrated into their host communities. However, stories told by labour migrants provide important nuances to the narrative of success and suggest processes of social fragmentation, polarisation, and contestation. The paper demonstrates how contemporary forms of rural mobilities may confront the traditional structures of rural societies, generate novel social divides and multi-local identities and everyday practices. Methodologically, the paper employs a mixed-methods approach and analyses a variety of materials: statistical materials, public documents, interviews with key informants in the local rural community, and in-depth individual interviews and focus group sessions with migrants.
机译:在2004年和2007年欧盟扩大之后,大量东欧劳动移民在西欧的农村目的地定居,他们主要发现农村工业的低技能劳动力工作。这些劳动移民与其他类型的农村移民(例如,国内和外出者,生活方式和休养员,国际难民和寻求庇护者)不同,而是为寄主农村社区的挑战和机遇不同,例如在新颖的形式方面社会不平等和文化多样性。本文通过调查Hitra / Froya社区的案例,讨论了跨国劳动力移动性的动态及其对农村欧洲的后果,直到挪威中年的传统主义农村社区。由于大规模的劳动力移民,在过去十年,该地区已发展成为真正的高流动性,跨国农村社区,现在的特点是其异质社会结构。从当地精英的角度来看,该地区似乎有霸权地位,转型是一个成功的,三赢的局面:大量的社区发展更加可持续的经济,看到人口增长和减少社会问题,当地人享受促进经济及其许多益处,移民在其家园中逃避经济紧缩,并成功融入其东道国社区。然而,劳工移民的故事对成功的叙事和建议社会碎片,极化和争议的过程提供了重要的细微差别。本文展示了当代形式的农村地区可能会面临农村社会的传统结构,产生新的社会鸿沟和多本地身份和日常惯例。方法论上,本文采用了混合方法的方法,分析了各种材料:统计材料,公共文件,与当地农村社区的主要信息人员访谈,以及与移民的深入个人访谈和焦点集团会议。



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