首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rural Studies >Small business development in remote rural areas: the example of mature manufacturing firms in northern England.

Small business development in remote rural areas: the example of mature manufacturing firms in northern England.


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This paper explores the question of whether established small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have the potential to generate wealth and jobs for rural communities. Data were obtained from a panel of 304 SMEs in England. Using evidence on the development of mature manufacturing SMEs in remoter rural areas of northern England during the 1980s and comparing them with similar urban based firms in a major conurbation (London) and an outer metropolitan area (Hertfordshire and Essex), the paper showsthat whilst there was little difference between the rural and urban SMEs in terms of their growth performance when measured by sales turnover, the rural firms generated significantly more jobs. SMEs in remote rural areas are shown to pursue different development paths than their urban counterparts resulting from the way in which they adjust to the opportunities and constraints afforded by their local operating environments. The main section of the paper focuses on three particular kinds of adaptation: (1) to local market conditions, and in particular on the ability of SMEs to make the transition into national and international markets; (2) to local labour market conditions, including various qualitative characteristics of rural labour such as skill levels and functional flexibility; and (3) to the lack of an industrial milieu, especially the limited opportunities for externalizing production. The paper concludes by raising some concerns about the longer term competitiveness of SMEs in remote rural areas including low levels of labour productivity, technological backwardness and skill levels within the workforce.
机译:本文探讨了建立中小企业(中小企业)是否有可能为农村社区产生财富和工作的问题。数据是从英格兰304中小企业的小组获得的。在20世纪80年代,利用有关北英格兰雷皮特农村地区成熟制造中小企业发展的证据,并将其与大都市(伦敦)和外部大都市区(赫特福德郡和埃塞克斯)进行比较,将其与外部大都市(赫特福德郡和埃塞克斯)进行比较,在那里农村和城市中小企业之间的差异几乎没有差异,因为在销售营业额衡量时,农村公司产生了更大的工作岗位。偏远农村地区的中小企业被证明追求不同的开发道路,而不是他们的城市同行,这些路径由他们对其当地经营环境所提供的机会和限制的方式产生。本文的主要部分侧重于三种特定的适应:(1)到当地市场状况,特别是中小企业将过渡到国家和国际市场的能力; (2)到当地劳动力市场条件,包括农村劳动的各种定性特征,如技能水平和功能灵活; (3)缺乏工业环境,特别是外化生产的有限机会。本文通过提高对偏远农村地区中小企业的长期竞争力的一些担忧,包括低水平的劳动生产力,技术落后和员工技能水平。



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