首页> 外文期刊>American journal of dentistry >The effect of nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste on enamel surface remineralization. An in vitro study

The effect of nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste on enamel surface remineralization. An in vitro study


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Purpose: To compare, in vitro, the surface remineralization effect of two fluoride dentifrices. Methods: 90 human enamel specimens, embedded in cylindrical acrylic blocks, washed and polished, served as a study material. The specimens were randomly assigned in equal numbers to the three groups (two test and one control). Initially the microhardness of the enamel surface (SMH) was assessed by Vickers method, while a profilometer was used to evaluate the surface roughness (Ra value). The enamel specimens were subjected to the preliminary demineralization, simulating the initial carious lesion formation. Subsequently, mean SMH and Ra values were re-assessed. Upon demineralization, one half of each specimen was covered with a protective varnish. The exposed fragment underwent the 3-week cycle of pH changes, according to the protocol. The groups were as follows: NHAPF group - toothpaste containing nanohydroxyapatite (nano HAP) and 1,450 ppm F; F group - toothpaste containing 1,450 ppm; and P group (placebo) - distilled water. Upon completion of the treatment period, the enamel microhardness and roughness profile were re-measured. Results: The demineralization procedure resulted in statistically significant reduction of SMH level in all the groups, and the mean post demineralization values were in the range of 49.7 VHN to 51.2 VHN. Remineralization therapies led to statistically significant increase of enamel SMH value (P< 0.0001). None of the groups reached their original baseline level of SMH following the remineralization therapy.
机译:目的:在体外比较两种氟化物洁牙剂的表面再矿化作用。方法:将90个人类瓷釉标本(嵌入圆柱形丙烯酸块中)清洗并抛光,作为研究材料。将标本随机分配给三组(两组测试和一组对照组)。最初,搪瓷表面(SMH)的显微硬度通过维克斯方法进行评估,而轮廓仪则用于评估表面粗糙度(Ra值)。对牙釉质标本进行初步的脱矿质处理,以模拟最初的龋损形成。随后,重新评估平均SMH和Ra值。脱盐后,每个样品的一半用保护性清漆覆盖。根据方案,暴露的片段经历了3周的pH变化周期。这些组如下:NHAPF组-包含纳米羟基磷灰石(nano HAP)和1,450 ppm F的牙膏; F组-含1,450 ppm的牙膏;和P组(安慰剂)-蒸馏水。处理期结束后,重新测量搪瓷的显微硬度和粗糙度。结果:脱盐程序导致所有组中SMH水平在统计学上均显着降低,平均脱盐后值在49.7 VHN至51.2 VHN范围内。再矿化疗法导致牙釉质SMH值在统计学上显着增加(P <0.0001)。再矿化治疗后,没有一个组达到SMH的原始基线水平。



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