首页> 外文期刊>Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica >Antagonistic effect of flumazenil after midazolam sedation on arterial-cardiac baroreflex

Antagonistic effect of flumazenil after midazolam sedation on arterial-cardiac baroreflex


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Background: Flumazenil is generally administered to antagonise the sedative effect of midazolam. However, although flumazenil completely antagonises the sedative effect of midazolam, a few effects remain unantagonised. Hence, it is unclear whether flumazenil restores the attenuation of the arterial-cardiac baroreflex (i.e. arterial-heart rate reflex) induced by midazolam. We investigated the antagonistic effect of flumazenil administered after midazolam on cardiac baroreflex, to reveal whether complete recovery from midazolam-induced sedation by flumazenil administration is accompanied by restoration of midazolam's attenuating effects on the cardiac baroreflex. Method: Twelve healthy male subjects received midazolam followed by flumazenil until complete recovery from midazolam sedation. Before and during midazolam sedation, and after flumazenil administration, cardiac baroreflex function was assessed by sequence analysis and transfer function analysis between spontaneous oscillations in systolic arterial pressure and R-R interval. Results: During midazolam sedation, defined by an Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation scale score of 3, BIS value decreased significantly. Simultaneously, the baroreflex indices of the two analyses decreased significantly compared with baseline, suggesting attenuated cardiac baroreflex function. With complete recovery from midazolam sedation by flumazenil, indicated by an Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation scale score of 5, BIS values returned to the baseline level. Simultaneously, cardiac baroreflex indices also returned to baseline levels. Conclusion: The present results suggest that complete recovery from midazolam sedation by flumazenil is accompanied by restoration of the attenuated cardiac baroreflex function induced by midazolam.



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