首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oilseeds Research >Effect of organic seed treatment and foliar spray on growth, yield and resultant seed quality in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)

Effect of organic seed treatment and foliar spray on growth, yield and resultant seed quality in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)


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Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the ancient and most important oilseed crops and its seeds, contain around 50 per cent oil and 25 per cent protein. It is sixth most important oil seed crop in India and has great economic potential due to the possibilities for its exploitation in both the domestic and international markets. The usage of organic inputs is gaining importance nowadays in the context of environmental sustainability. Field experiments were carried out to study the effect of leaf extracts of four plants on seed yield of sesame under rainfed conditions. The seeds of sesame cv. TMV 3 were treated with leaf extracts of pungam (Pongmia pinnata), prosopis (Prosopis juliflora), arappu (Albizia amara) and moringa (Moringa oleifera) @5% along with foliar spray @10 % at vegetative and flowering stages under rainfed condition along with water sprayed control. The results revealed that pre sowing seed treatment with moringa leaf extract~R 5% + foliar spray of moringa leaf extract @ 10 % at vegetative and flowering stages recorded higher seed yield and better seed quality when compared to other treatments and control.
机译:芝麻(Sesamum Indicum L.)是古老,最重要的油籽作物之一及其种子,含有约50%的油和25%的蛋白质。它是印度最重要的石油种子作物,由于其在国内和国际市场剥削的可能性,具有巨大的经济潜力。在环境可持续性的背景下,有机投入的使用是在环境可持续性范围内获得的重要性。进行现场实验,以研究四种植物叶提取物对雨量条件下芝麻种子产量的影响。芝麻cv的种子。 TMV 3用Pungam(Pongmia Pinnata),Prosopis(ProsoPis Juliflora),Arappu(Albizia Amara)和Moringa(Moringa Oleifera)@ 5%以及叶面在营业和开花条件下的叶面喷雾@ 10%喷水控制。结果表明,与其他治疗和对照相比,预播种雌雄叶提取物〜R 5%+叶面喷雾剂_ 10%营养和开花阶段记录了较高的种子产量和更好的种子质量。



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