
Odd Systems of Vectors and Related Lattices


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We consider uniform odd systems, i.e. sets of vectors of constant odd norm with odd inner product, and the lattice L(ν) linearly generated by a uniform odd system ν of odd norm st + 1. If u~2 ≡ p (mod 4) for all u ∈ ν, one has v~2 ≡ p (mod 4) if v~2 is odd and v~2 ≡ 0 (mod 4) if v~2 is even, for any vector v ∈ L(ν). The vectors of even norm form a double even sublattice L_0(ν) of L(ν), i.e. (1/2~(1/2))L_0(ν) is an even lattice. The closure of ν, i.e. all vectors of L(ν) of norm 2t + 1, are minimal vectors of L(ν) for t = 1, and they are almost always minimal for t = 2. For such t, the convex hull of vectors of the closure of ν is a L-polytope of L_0(ν) and the contact polytope of L(ν). As an example, we consider closed uniform odd systems of norm 5 spanning equiangular lines.
机译:我们考虑统一的奇数系统,即具有奇数内积的恒定奇数范数的向量集,以及由奇数范数st +1的统一奇数系统ν线性生成的晶格L(ν)。如果u〜2≡p(mod 4 )对于所有u∈ν,对于任何向量v∈L(ν),如果v〜2为奇数,则一个具有v〜2≡p(mod 4),如果v〜2为偶数,则v〜2≡0(mod 4) 。偶数范数的向量形成L(ν)的双偶数子格L_0(ν),即(1/2〜(1/2))L_0(ν)是偶数晶格。 ν的闭合,即范数2t +1的L(ν)的所有向量都是t(1)的L(ν)的最小向量,并且对于t = 2几乎总是最小的。对于这种t,凸包ν的闭合向量的一个是L_0(ν)的L多态性和L(ν)的接触多态性。例如,我们考虑了跨越等角线的范数为5的闭合一致奇系统。



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