首页> 外文期刊>Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica >Effects of levosimendan on indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate and the gastric mucosal-arterial pCO2 gradient in abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery.

Effects of levosimendan on indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate and the gastric mucosal-arterial pCO2 gradient in abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery.


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BACKGROUND: Levosimendan has a dual mechanism of action: it improves myocardial contractility and causes vasodilatation without increasing myocardial oxygen demand. In a laboratory setting, it selectively increases gastric mucosal oxygenation in particular and splanchnic perfusion in general. The aim of our study was to describe the effects of levosimendan on systemic and splanchnic circulation during and after abdominal aortic surgery. METHODS: Twenty abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery patients were randomized to receive either levosimendan (n=10) or placebo (n=10) in a double-blinded manner. Both the mode of anaesthesia and the surgical procedures were performed according to the local guidelines. Automatic gas tonometry was used to measure the gastric mucosal partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Systemic indocyanine green clearance plasma disappearance rate (ICG-PDR) was used to estimate the total splanchnic blood flow. RESULTS: The immediate post-operative recovery was uneventful in the two groups with a comparable, overnight length of stay in the intensive care unit. Cumulative doses of additional vasoactive drugs were comparable between the groups, with a tendency towards a higher cumulative dose of noradrenaline in the levosimendan group. After aortic clamping, the cardiac index was higher [4(3.8-4.7) l/min/m(2) vs. 2.6(2.3-3.6) l/min/m(2); P<0.05] and the gastric mucosal-arterial pCO(2) gradient was lower in levosimendan-treated patients [0.9(0.6-1.2) kPa vs. 1.7(1.2-2.1) kPa; (P<0.05)]. However, the total splanchnic blood flow, estimated by ICG-PDR, was comparable [29(21-29)% vs. 20(19-25)%; NS]. Organ dysfunction scores (sequential organ dysfunction assessment) were similar between the groups on the fifth post-operative day. CONCLUSION: Levosimendan favours gastric perfusion but appears not to have a major effect on total splanchnic perfusion in patients undergoing an elective aortic aneurysm operation.
机译:背景:左西孟旦具有双重作用机制:在不增加心肌需氧量的情况下改善心肌收缩力并引起血管舒张。在实验室环境中,它选择性地增加胃黏膜的氧合,特别是内脏的灌注。我们的研究目的是描述左西孟旦对腹主动脉手术期间和之后的全身和内脏循环的影响。方法:将20例腹部主动脉瘤手术患者随机分为双盲方式接受左西孟旦(n = 10)或安慰剂(n = 10)。麻醉方式和手术程序均根据当地指南进行。使用自动气体眼压计测量二氧化碳在胃粘膜上的分压。系统性吲哚菁绿清除血浆消失率(ICG-PDR)用于估计内脏总血流量。结果:两组患者术后即时恢复情况良好,在重症监护病房的住院时间相当。各组之间其他血管活性药物的累积剂量相当,左西孟旦组中去甲肾上腺素的累积剂量倾向于增加。主动脉钳夹后,心脏指数较高[4(3.8-4.7)l / min / m(2)比2.6(2.3-3.6)l / min / m(2); P <0.05],左西孟旦治疗组患者的胃黏膜动脉pCO(2)梯度较低[0.9(0.6-1.2)kPa与1.7(1.2-2.1)kPa; (P <0.05)]。然而,通过ICG-PDR估算的内脏总血流量是可比较的[29(21-29)%对20(19-25)%; NS]。术后第五天,各组之间的器官功能障碍评分(顺序器官功能障碍评估)相似。结论:左西孟旦赞成胃灌注,但对择期主动脉瘤手术患者的内脏总灌注似乎没有主要影响。



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