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Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases


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Several mosquito-borne viral infections have recently emerged in North America; West Nile virus is the most common in the United States. Although West Nile virus generally causes a self-limited, flulike febrile illness, a serious neuroinvasive form may occur. Dengue is the most common vector-borne viral disease worldwide, and it has been a significant public health threat in the United States since 2009. Known as breakbone fever for its severe myalgias and arthralgias, dengue may cause a hemorrhagic syndrome. Chikungunya also causes flulike febrile illness and disabling arthralgias. Although meningoencephalitis may occur with chikungunya, bleeding is uncommon. Symptoms of Zika virus infection are similar to those of dengue, but milder. Zika virus increases the risk of fetal brain abnormalities, including microcephaly, if a pregnant woman is infected. Zika virus is spread through Aedes albopictus mosquito bites, is transmitted sexually, and may rarely spread nonsexually from person to person. Diagnosis of these vector borne infections is clinical and serologic, and treatment is supportive. Other, well-established vector-borne diseases are also important. Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne bacterial disease that presents as a nonspecific syndrome of fever, headache, malaise, and myalgias. It is diagnosed via blood smear testing, with confirmatory serology. Ehrlichiosis is treated with doxycycline. Rickettsial infections are transmitted by fleas, mites, and ticks, and severity ranges from mild to life threatening. Rocky Mountain spotted fever, the most significant rickettsial infection, is primarily a clinical diagnosis that presents as fever, headache, myalgias, petechial rash, and tick exposure. Doxycycline is effective for rickettsial infections if administered promptly. Vector avoidance strategies are critical to the prevention of all of these infections. Copyright 2016 American Academy of Family Physicians.)
机译:北美最近出现了数种由蚊子传播的病毒感染。西尼罗河病毒是美国最常见的病毒。尽管西尼罗河病毒通常会引起自限性,流感样发热性疾病,但可能会发生严重的神经侵袭形式。登革热是全球最常见的媒介传播病毒性疾病,自2009年以来在美国已成为重大的公共卫生威胁。登革热因其严重的肌痛和关节痛而被称为“断骨热”,可能引起出血综合征。基孔肯雅热还会引起类似流感的高热病,并导致关节痛。尽管基孔肯雅热可发生脑膜脑炎,但出血很少见。寨卡病毒感染的症状与登革热相似,但较轻。如果孕妇被感染,寨卡病毒会增加胎儿脑部异常(包括小头畸形)的风险。寨卡病毒通过白纹伊蚊的蚊虫叮咬传播,通过性传播,并且极少会通过非性传播方式在人与人之间传播。这些媒介传播感染的诊断是临床和血清学检查,并且支持治疗。其他公认的媒介传播疾病也很重要。毛虫病是由tick传播的细菌性疾病,表现为发烧,头痛,全身不适和肌痛的非特异性综合征。通过血液涂片检查和确诊的血清学诊断。衣原体病用强力霉素治疗。立克次体感染是通过跳蚤,螨虫和壁虱传播的,严重程度从轻度到危及生命。落基山斑疹热是最严重的立克次体感染,主要是一种临床诊断,表现为发烧,头痛,肌痛,瘀斑和tick暴露。如果立即给药,强力霉素可有效治疗立克次氏体感染。媒介回避策略对预防所有这些感染至关重要。 2016年美国家庭医师学会版权所有。)



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