首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mining Scinece >Physical Modeling of Deformation Processes in Pit Slope with Steep Bedding

Physical Modeling of Deformation Processes in Pit Slope with Steep Bedding


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The results of physical modeling of deep pit slopes with equivalent materials are presented. The checking calculation is preformed using the limit equilibrium method. The displacements in the model are determined, and the safety factors of stable slopes are calculated at all stages of modeling. The pattern of deformation and failure of pit slopes is analyzed starting from the first manifestations till total instability at different strength characteristics of bedding interfaces. It is found that failure mechanism of pit slopes with steep bedding is governed by shear strength of interfaces. When the interfaces and rock mass have similar strength characteristics, pit slope deforms along a smooth curved sliding surface by the similar mechanism of an isotropic slope. In the presence of interfaces with much lower strength characteristics than the rock mass strength, the slope deformation has the mechanism of flexure toppling. In an intermediate variant, it is most probable that failure follows the mechanism of bending with subsequent shear of the layers along a curved surface.



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