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A Systematic Review for Human EEG Brain Signals Based Emotion Classification, Feature Extraction, Brain Condition, Group Comparison


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The study of electroencephalography (EEG) signals is not a new topic. However, the analysis of human emotions upon exposure to music considered as important direction. Although distributed in various academic databases, research on this concept is limited. To extend research in this area, the researchers explored and analysed the academic articles published within the mentioned scope. Thus, in this paper a systematic review is carried out to map and draw the research scenery for EEG human emotion into a taxonomy. Systematically searched all articles about the, EEG human emotion based music in three main databases: ScienceDirect, Web of Science and IEEE Xplore from 1999 to 2016. These databases feature academic studies that used EEG to measure brain signals, with a focus on the effects of music on human emotions. The screening and filtering of articles were performed in three iterations. In the first iteration, duplicate articles were excluded. In the second iteration, the articles were filtered according to their titles and abstracts, and articles outside of the scope of our domain were excluded. In the third iteration, the articles were filtered by reading the full text and excluding articles outside of the scope of our domain and which do not meet our criteria. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 100 articles were selected and separated into five classes. The first class includes 39 articles (39%) consists of emotion, wherein various emotions are classified using artificial intelligence (AI). The second class includes 21 articles (21%) is composed of studies that use EEG techniques. This class is named ` brain condition'. The third class includes eight articles (8%) is related to feature extraction, which is a step before emotion classification. That this process makes use of classifiers should be noted. However, these articles are not listed under the first class because these eight articles focus on feature extraction rather than classifier accuracy. The fourth class includes 26 articles (26%) comprises studies that compare between or among two ormore groups to identify and discover human emotion-based EEG. The final class includes six articles (6%) represents articles that study music as a stimulus and its impact on brain signals. Then, discussed the five main categories which are action types, age of the participants, and number size of the participants, duration of recording and listening to music and lastly countries or authors' nationality that published these previous studies. it afterward recognizes the main characteristics of this promising area of science in: motivation of using EEG process for measuring human brain signals, open challenges obstructing employment and recommendations to improve the utilization of EEG process.
机译:脑电图(EEG)信号的研究不是一个新的主题。然而,在接触被视为重要方向的音乐时对人类情绪分析。虽然分布在各种学术数据库中,但对这一概念的研究有限。为了在这一领域延长研究,研究人员探讨并分析了在上述范围内发表的学术文章。因此,在本文中,进行了系统审查,以将脑电图的研究风景映射到分类中。系统地搜索了关于的所有文章,在三个主要数据库中的所有文章中,从1999年到2016年的ScieCitirect,科学网站和IEEE Xplore。这些数据库具有使用EEG来测量大脑信号的学术研究,重点是效果人类情绪的音乐。制品的筛选和过滤在三个迭代中进行。在第一次迭代中,排除了重复的文章。在第二次迭代中,根据其标题和摘要过滤物品,排除了我们域名范围之外的文章。在第三次迭代中,通过阅读完整文本并排除在我们域名范围之外的文章,并不符合我们的标准,过滤文章。基于包含和排除标准,选择了100篇文章并分成五类。第一类包括39篇文章(39%)由情感组成,其中使用人工智能(AI)对各种情绪进行分类。第二类包括21篇(21%)由使用脑电图技术的研究组成。这个课程被命名为“脑状况”。第三类包括八篇(8%)与特征提取有关,这是情感分类前的一步。应该指出这种过程使用分类器。但是,这些文章未在第一类下列出,因为这八个文章专注于特征提取而不是分类器精度。第四类包括26篇文章(26%),包括在两种或摩尔组之间或两种核心核查基于情感的脑电图之间的研究。最终阶级包括六篇文章(6%)代表研究音乐作为刺激的文章及其对脑信号的影响。然后,讨论了这五大主要类别,这些主要类别是参与者的行动类型,年龄和参与者的数量,记录的持续时间和听音乐的持续时间以及讨论上一项研究的所有国家或作者的国籍。之后,它认识到这座有前途的科学领域的主要特征:使用脑电工艺测量人脑信号的动机,开放挑战,阻碍就业和建议,以提高脑电图进程的利用。



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