首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mammalian Evolution >Mammals in Last 30 to 7 ka Interval (Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene) in Southern Uruguay (Santa Lucia River Basin): Last Occurrences, Climate, and Biogeography

Mammals in Last 30 to 7 ka Interval (Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene) in Southern Uruguay (Santa Lucia River Basin): Last Occurrences, Climate, and Biogeography

机译:哺乳动物在乌拉圭南部(Santa Lucia River Bourin)的最后30到7个KA间隔(晚熟 - 早期全新世):最后的出现,气候和生物地理

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Fossiliferous Quaternary sedimentary beds in the Santa Lucia Basin (southern Uruguay) are potentially useful for the study of the last occurrences of extinct taxa, as well as the environmental and climatic patterns in the late Pleistocene to the early Holocene. They have provided a chronological framework (AMS C-14 and Optically Stimulated Luminescence dates), a mammalian diversity and interpretations of last occurrence, the climatic-environmental setting, and some associated biogeographic processes. The ages produced encompass the last 30 to 7 ka interval (latest Pleistocene-early Holocene). The mammalian assemblage (36 genera, 24 species) includes typical South American late Pleistocene mammals, extinct species of extant genera, and some extant species that still exist elsewhere on the continent. The preservation pattern includes articulated and semi-articulated skeletons of large and small mammals. The presence in the southern Uruguayan Pampean area of some mammals currently inhabiting Patagonia, northwest and central Argentina (Dolichotis, Galea, Microcavia, Chaetophractus, Lagostomus, and Vicugna) is explained by the predominance of open areas and cold climates associated with the Last Glacial Maximum. The mammalian record depicts local extinctions or shifting ranges occurring in latest Pleistocene or early Holocene. The sedimentary chronological framework and taphonomic features suggest the persistence into the early Holocene of Eutatus seguini, Morenelaphus brachyceros, Equus neogeus, Hemiauchenia sp., Lama sp., and Vicugna sp. Glyptodon and Glossotherium seem to persist at least to the latest Pleistocene. This pattern can substantiate the hypothesis that some megafauna and large mammals persisted for some millennia alongside people with extinction occurring before, during, and after human colonization.
机译:Santa Lucia盆地(乌拉圭南部)中的化石季沉积床可能对研究最后一场灭绝的灭绝出现的研究以及晚期早期的全新世的环境和气候模式有用。他们提供了时间框架(AMS C-14和光学刺激的发光日期),哺乳动物多样性和最后一次发生,气候环境设定和一些相关的生物地理过程。产生的年龄包括过去30至7 ka间隔(最新的全新世 - 早期全新世)。哺乳动物组合(36属,24种)包括典型的南美已故更新世哺乳动物,灭绝的外延属,仍然存在于大陆的其他地方。保存模式包括大小哺乳动物的铰接和半关节骨架。在目前居住在巴塔哥尼亚州的一些哺乳动物的南部乌拉圭宫颈面积(Dolichotis,Galea,Microcavia,ChaeTophractus,Lagostomus和viCugna)是通过开放区域和与最后冰川最大值相关的寒冷的优势来解释。哺乳动物记录描绘了最新的更新世或全新世中发生的局部灭绝或移位范围。沉积时间框架和染学特征暗示了Eutatus Seguini,Morenelaphus Brachyceros,Equus Neogeus,Hemiauchenia sp的早期全新世。,Lama Sp。和ViCugna Sp。 Glyptodon和Glossolium似乎至少持续到最新的更新世。这种模式可以证实假设一些兆欧纳和大型哺乳动物持续为一些千年持续存在于以前,期间和之后的人类殖民化。



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