首页> 外文期刊>American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias >Physical restraint use and falls in nursing homes: a comparison between residents with and without dementia.

Physical restraint use and falls in nursing homes: a comparison between residents with and without dementia.


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AIMS: To estimate the use of different types of physical restraints and assess their associations to falls and injuries among residents with and without Alzheimer's disease (AD) or dementia in US nursing homes. METHODS: Data were from the 2004 National Nursing Home Survey. AD or dementia was identified using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes. Analyses were conducted with the Surveyfreq and Surveylogistic procedures in SAS v.9.1. RESULTS: Residents with either AD or dementia were more likely to be physically restrained (9.99% vs 3.91%, P < .001) and less likely to have bed rails (35.06% vs 38.43%, P < .001) than those residents without the disease. The use of trunk restraints was associated with higher risk for falls (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.66, P < .001) and fractures (AOR = 2.77, P < .01) among residents with the disease. The use of full bed rails was associated with lower risk for falls among residents with and without the disease (AOR = 0.67 and AOR = 0.72, Ps < .05, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The use of a trunk restraint is associated with a higher risk for falls and fractures among residents with either AD or dementia.
机译:目的:评估在美国疗养院中患有或不患有阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)或痴呆症的居民中不同类型的身体约束的使用并评估其与跌倒和伤害的关联。方法:数据来自2004年全国疗养院调查。使用国际疾病分类第九修订版(ICD-9)代码识别AD或痴呆。使用SAS v.9.1中的Surveyfreq和Surveylogistic程序进行了分析。结果:患有AD或痴呆的居民比那些没有AD或痴呆的居民更有可能受到身体约束(9.99%vs 3.91%,P <.001),不太可能有床栏(35.06%vs 38.43%,P <.001)。这种病。使用躯干约束带会增加患病居民跌倒(调整后的优势比[AOR] = 1.66,P <.001)和骨折(AOR = 2.77,P <.01)的风险。全床护栏的使用与有和没有该疾病的居民跌倒的风险较低相关(AOR = 0.67和AOR = 0.72,Ps <.05)。结论:躯干约束的使用与患有AD或痴呆的居民跌倒和骨折的风险较高有关。



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