首页> 外文期刊>Journal of immigrant and minority health >Trends in Chronic Diseases Reported by Refugees Originating from Burma Resettling to the United States from Camps Versus Urban Areas During 2009-2016

Trends in Chronic Diseases Reported by Refugees Originating from Burma Resettling to the United States from Camps Versus Urban Areas During 2009-2016

机译:源自缅甸的慢性病患有慢性病的趋势,从营地与城市地区的营地重新安置到美国,在2009 - 2016年期间

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We examined changes in the prevalence of chronic health conditions among US-bound refugees originating from Burma resettling over 8years by the type of living arrangement before resettlement, either in camps (Thailand) or in urban areas (Malaysia). Using data from the required overseas medical exam for 73,251 adult (18years) refugees originating from Burma resettling to the United States during 2009-2016, we assessed average annual percent change (AAPC) in proportion45years and age- and sex-standardized prevalence of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and musculoskeletal disease, by camps versus urban areas. Compared with refugees resettling from camps, those coming from urban settings had higher prevalence of obesity (mean 18.0 vs. 5.9%), diabetes (mean 6.5 vs. 0.8%), and hypertension (mean 12.7 vs. 8.1%). Compared with those resettling from camps, those from urban areas saw greater increases in the proportion with COPD (AAPC: 109.4 vs. 9.9) and musculoskeletal disease (AAPC: 34.6 vs. 1.6). Chronic conditions and their related risk factors increased among refugees originating from Burma resettling to the United States whether they had lived in camps or in urban areas, though the prevalence of such conditions was higher among refugees who had lived in urban settings.
机译:在移民安排之前,我们在营地(泰国)或城市地区(马来西亚)之前,我们研究了来自缅甸的美国境内难民的慢性健康状况的普遍存在难度普遍存在的变化。在2009 - 2016年期间,使用来自缅甸的73,251名成人(18年)难民的数据来自缅甸的难民,我们评估了平均年度百分比变化(AAPC)的比例为45年和性别标准化肥胖症,糖尿病,高血压,慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)和肌肉骨骼疾病,由营地与城市地区。与难民的难民相比,来自城市环境的人的肥胖患病率较高(平均为18.0与5.9%),糖尿病(平均值6.5与0.8%),高血压(平均12.7 vs.8.1%)。与营地的重新安置相比,来自城市地区的那些与COPD(AAPC:109.4与9.9)和肌肉骨骼疾病的比例增加了更多的增加(AAPC:34.6 vs.1.6)。慢性条件及其相关风险因素在源于缅甸重新安置到美国的难民中,他们是否在营地或城市地区生活,尽管在城市环境中居住的难民中的难民普遍存在。



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