首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Glaciology >Replacing monitored glaciers undergoing extinction: a new measurement series on La Mare Glacier (Ortles-Cevedale, Italy)

Replacing monitored glaciers undergoing extinction: a new measurement series on La Mare Glacier (Ortles-Cevedale, Italy)

机译:更换受监控的冰川濒临灭绝:La Mare Glacier(Ortles-Cevedale,意大利)的新测量系列

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Glacier mass balance is a key variable for the monitoring strategies of the Earth climate system, but the continuation of long-term observations is now endangered by the impending extinction of several monitored glaciers. It is therefore advisable to start new observations on neighbouring glaciers that are more likely to survive into the next few decades. These glaciers will be located at higher altitude, have larger elevation range, thus preserving an accumulation area and have good spatial representativeness. Glaciers with these characteristics may pose some problems and are more demanding for mass balance measurements and calculations, due to their size and presence of remote and inaccessible areas, further complicated by the complex morphology and high-lateral gradients of mass balance. I present the new mass-balance series for La Mare Glacier, started in 2003 to replace the long-term monitored and rapidly vanishing Careser Glacier in the Ortles-Cevedale Group (Eastern Italian Alps). Direct glaciological mass-balance observations have been complemented by measurements with the hydrological method and, as recommended by the World Glacier Monitoring Service, validated using the geodetic method. The collected data are useful for testing and optimising two techniques proposed in the literature for extrapolating measurements to inaccessible areas.
机译:冰川大规模平衡是地球气候系统监测策略的关键变量,但现在延长了几种受监测冰川的即将灭绝的长期观测的延续。因此,建议在邻近冰川上开始新的观察,这些冰川更有可能在未来几十年中生存。这些冰川将位于较高的高度,具有更大的海拔范围,从而保持累积区域并具有良好的空间代表性。具有这些特性的冰川可能会产生一些问题,并且由于它们的大小和存在的偏远和无法访问的区域的存在而更大的质量平衡测量和计算,因此通过复杂的形态和大规模平衡的高横向梯度进一步复杂化。我为La Mare Glacier提供了新的大规模余额系列,于2003年开始取代Ortles-Cevedale集团(东部意大利阿尔卑斯山)的长期监控和快速消失的医务人员冰川。通过使用大地测量方法验证的世界冰川监测服务,通过水文方法进行了直接冰川大规模观测,通过测量,使用世界冰川监测服务的推荐进行了补充。收集的数据可用于测试和优化文献中提出的两种技术,以将测量结果推断到无法访问的区域。



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