首页> 外文期刊>Journal of forensic sciences. >'Cannot Decide': The Fine Line Between Appropriate Inconclusive Determinations Versus Unjustifiably Deciding Not To Decide

'Cannot Decide': The Fine Line Between Appropriate Inconclusive Determinations Versus Unjustifiably Deciding Not To Decide


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Inconclusive decisions, deciding not to decide, are decisions. We present a cognitive model which takes into account that decisions are an outcome of interactions and intersections between the actual data and human cognition. Using this model it is suggested under which circumstances inconclusive decisions are justified and even warranted (reflecting proper caution and meta-cognitive abilities in recognizing limited abilities), and, conversely, under what circumstances inconclusive decisions are unjustifiable and should not be permitted. The model further explores the limitations and problems in using categorical decision-making when the data are actually a continuum. Solutions are suggested within the forensic fingerprinting domain, but they can be applied to other forensic domains, and, with modifications, may also be applied to other expert domains.
机译:决定不决定的不确定决定是决定。 我们提出了一种认知模型,考虑到决定是实际数据和人类认知之间的互动和交叉路口的结果。 使用此型号,建议在这种情况下,在这种情况下,否定决策是合理的,甚至需要(反映了识别有限能力的适当谨慎和荟萃认知能力),并且相反,在什么情况下不确定决策是不合理的,不应允许。 该模型进一步探讨了使用基本决策时的限制和问题,当数据实际上是连续体。 在法医指纹域内建议解决方案,但它们可以应用于其他法医结构域,并且随着修改,也可以应用于其他专家域。



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