首页> 外文期刊>Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition >Does Response Modality Influence Conflict? Modelling Vocal and Response Manual Stroop Interference

Does Response Modality Influence Conflict? Modelling Vocal and Response Manual Stroop Interference

机译:响应模态会影响冲突吗? 建模声带和响应手动速率干扰

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In the Stroop task, color words are presented in colored fonts and the task of the subject is to either name the word or name the color. If the word and font color are in agreement, then the stimulus is said to be congruent (e.g., RED in red font color); however, if the word and font color are not in agreement, the stimulus is said to be incongruent (e.g., RED in blue font color). Conflict in the Stroop task is measured by both RT and accuracy. In prior research, the amount of conflict differs depending on the response modality, vocal versus manual. We applied a model for multichoice decision-making (and confidence), the RTCON2 model (Ratcliff & Starns. 2013) to the data from 4 experiments, 2 with 2-choice manual responses, 1 with 4-choice manual touch screen responses, 1 with both 4-choice vocal responses, and 4-choice manual keyboard responses. Changes in the rate of information accumulation captured conflict effects for the manual-response versions, but not for the vocal-response version. Adding an extra nondecision time parameter allowed RTCON2 to account for the data patterns in the vocal-response version. However, to fully understand conflict in the vocal-response Stroop task, a model of conflict processing in the vocal word production system must be developed that would explain the additional processing time in the nondecision time parameter.
机译:在Stroop任务中,颜色字数以彩色字体呈现,主题的任务是命名单词或命名颜色。如果单词和字体颜色符合协议,则据说刺激将是一致的(例如,红色字体颜色的红色);但是,如果单词和字体颜色不一致,则据说刺激是不一致的(例如,蓝色字体颜色的红色)。 Stroop任务中的冲突是通过RT和准确度来衡量的。在现有研究中,冲突量因响应方式而异,声带与手册。我们应用了多种烹饪决策(和置信),RTCON2模型(Ratcliff和Starns。2013)到4个实验的数据,2使用了2选择手动响应,1名选择手动触摸屏响应,1具有4选择声乐响应,4选择手动键盘响应。信息累积速率的变化捕获了手动响应版本的冲突效果,但不是声乐响应版本。添加额外的非正检时间参数允许RTCON2算用于声乐响应版本中的数据模式。然而,为了完全理解语音响应速率任务中的冲突,必须开发声语制作系统中冲突处理模型,这将解释非自我时间参数中的附加处理时间。



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