首页> 外文期刊>Journal of experimental psychology. Animal learning and cognition >Short- and Long-Term Habituation of Photonegative and Exploratory Responses in the Flatworm Planaria (Dugesia)

Short- and Long-Term Habituation of Photonegative and Exploratory Responses in the Flatworm Planaria (Dugesia)


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Two experiments address the habituation of photonegative and exploratory responses in the flatworm planaria (Dugesia). Planarians possess a well-documented photonegative response; Experiment 1 showed that repeated exposures to a bright light source with short inter trial intervals (ITIs) within 1 experimental session gradually weakens the unconditioned photonegative response. In addition, it was found that presentation of an unexpected arousal-increasing stimulus (dropped water or a shock) temporarily re-establishes the photonegative response. Experiment 2 addressed the development of long-term habituation; we recorded the locomotor activity of the animals exposed to an inescapable bright light. Experiments 2A and 2B showed that planarians develop long-term habituation but only when they were trained in relatively novel contexts; when they were trained in familiar contexts (in surfaces similar to the ones in the home) the development of habituation was severely impaired. The results are discussed by reference to the theory of short- and long-term habituation put forward by Allan R. Wagner (Wagner, 1976), highlighting the impact that this theory has had in the research of invertebrate learning.
机译:两个实验涉及扁虫Planaria(Dugesia)的相对良机和探索反应的习惯。林利员拥有良好记录的光敏反应;实验1显示,在1实验期内重复暴露于具有短试验间隔内(ITIS)的明亮光源逐渐减弱无条件的光敏响应。此外,发现意外的唤醒刺激(滴水或休克)的呈现暂时重新建立了光敏反应。实验2解决了长期习惯的发展;我们记录了暴露于不可避免的明亮光的动物的运动活性。实验2a和2b表明,普林斯人发展长期习惯,但只有当他们在相对新颖的背景下培训时才出现长期习惯;当他们在熟悉的上下文中受过训练时(在与家中类似的表面)时,习惯的发展受到严重受损。通过参考Allan R. Wagner(Wagner,1976)提出的短期和长期习惯理论来讨论结果,突出了该理论在无脊椎动物学习研究中的影响。



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