首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Entomology >Wild Bee Visitation Rates Exceed Pollination Thresholds in Commercial Cucurbita Agroecosystems

Wild Bee Visitation Rates Exceed Pollination Thresholds in Commercial Cucurbita Agroecosystems


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Wild bees supply sufficient pollination in Cucurbita agroecosystems in certain settings; however, some growers continue to stock fields with managed pollinators due to uncertainties of temporal and spatial variation on pollination services supplied by wild bees. Here, we evaluate wild bee pollination activity in wholesale, commercial pumpkin fields over 3 yr. We identified 37 species of bees foraging in commercial pumpkin fields. Honey bees (Apis mellifera L. [Hymenoptera: Apidae]), squash bees (Eucera (Peponapis) Say, Dorchin [Hymenoptera: Apidae]), and bumble bees (Bombus spp., primarily B. impatiens Cresson [Hymenoptera: Apidae]) were the most active pollinator taxa, responsible for over 95% of all pollination visits. Preference for female flowers decreased as distance from field edge increased for several bee taxa. Visitation rates from one key pollinator was negatively affected by field size. Visitation rates for multiple taxa exhibited a curvilinear response as the growing season progressed and responded positively to increasing floral density. We synthesized existing literature to estimate minimum ‘pollination thresholds’ per taxa and determined that each of the most active pollinator taxa exceeded these thresholds independently. Under current conditions, renting honey bee hives may be superfluous in this system. These results can aid growers when executing pollination management strategies and further highlights the importance of monitoring and conserving wild pollinator populations.
机译:野生蜜蜂在某些环境中在Cucurbita Agroecosystems提供足够的授粉;然而,由于野生蜜蜂提供的授粉服务的时间和空间变化的不确定性,一些种植者继续使用管理的粉丝器的现场。在这里,我们在3年超过3年的批发,商业南瓜领域评估野生蜜蜂授粉活动。我们确定了37种蜜蜂在商业南瓜领域觅食。蜜蜂(Apis mellifera l.是最活跃的粉碎机分类群,负责所有授粉的95%以上。对于几只蜂毒群,距离场边缘的距离增加了雌花的偏好。来自一个关键粉丝器的访问率受到现场大小的负面影响。随着日益增长的季节进展并对增加的花密度积极响应,多个分类群的访问率呈现曲线响应。我们综合了现有文献以估计每种分类群的最低“授粉阈值”,并确定每个最具活跃的粉丝群分类群独立超出了这些门槛。根据当前条件,租用蜂蜜蜂蜂巢在该系统中可能是多余的。这些结果可以在执行授粉管理策略时援助种植者,并进一步突出监测和保护野生粉的人口的重要性。



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