首页> 外文期刊>AIDS >National estimation of rates of HIV serology testing in US emergency departments 1993-2005: baseline prior to the 2006 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations.

National estimation of rates of HIV serology testing in US emergency departments 1993-2005: baseline prior to the 2006 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations.


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OBJECTIVE: The 2006 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations place increased emphasis on emergency departments (EDs) as one of the most important medical care settings for implementing routine HIV testing. No longitudinal estimates exist regarding national rates of HIV testing in EDs. We analyzed a nationally representative ED database to assess HIV testing rates and characterize patients who received HIV testing, prior to the release of the 2006 guidelines. DESIGN: A cross-sectional analysis of US ED visits (1993-2005) using the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey was performed. METHODS: Patients aged 13-64 years were included for analysis. Diagnoses were grouped with Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Clinical Classifications Software. Analyses were performed using procedures for multiple-stage survey data. RESULTS: HIV testing was performed in an estimated 2.8 million ED visits (95% confidence interval, 2.4-3.2) or a rate of 3.2 per 1000 ED visits (95% confidence interval, 2.8-3.7). Patients aged 20-39 years, African-American, and Hispanic had the highest testing rates. Among those tested, leading reasons for visit were abdominal pain (9%), puncture woundeedlestick (8%), rape victim (6%), and fever (5%). The leading medication class prescribed was antimicrobials (32%). The leading ED diagnosis was injury/poisoning (30%) followed by infectious diseases (18%). Of note, 6% of those tested were diagnosed with HIV infection during their ED visits. CONCLUSION: Prior to the release of the 2006 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for routine HIV testing in all healthcare settings, baseline national HIV testing rates in EDs were extremely low and appeared to be driven by clinical presentation.
机译:目的:2006年疾病控制与预防中心的建议更加重视急诊科,因为急诊科是实施常规HIV检测的最重要的医疗机构之一。没有关于国家急诊室艾滋病检测率的纵向估计。在2006年指南发布之前,我们分析了具有全国代表性的ED数据库,以评估HIV检测率并鉴定接受HIV检测的患者的特征。设计:使用美国国家医院门诊医疗调查对美国急诊就诊(1993-2005年)进行横断面分析。方法:纳入13-64岁的患者进行分析。使用“医疗保健成本和利用率项目临床分类软件”对诊断进行分组。使用多阶段调查数据的程序进行分析。结果:HIV检测是在280万例ED访视中进行的(95%置信区间为2.4-3.2)或每1000例ED访视3.2例(95%置信区间为2.8-3.7)。 20-39岁,非裔美国人和西班牙裔患者的测试率最高。在这些测试中,探访的主要原因是腹痛(9%),穿刺伤口/针刺(8%),强奸受害者(6%)和发烧(5%)。开出的主要药物类别是抗菌药物(32%)。 ED的主要诊断是受伤/中毒(30%),其次是传染病(18%)。值得注意的是,有6%的被测者在急诊就诊期间被诊断出感染了HIV。结论:在发布《 2006年疾病控制和预防中心指南》中有关在所有医疗机构中进行常规HIV检测的指南之前,ED中的基线国家HIV检测率非常低,并且似乎受临床表现的驱动。



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