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Conus archetypus Crosse, 1865, in northwestern Panama

机译:Conus archetypus Crosse,1865年,在巴拿马西北部

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During my visit to Bocas del Toro Archipelago, northwestern Panama (see American Conchologist vol. 38, no. 2, June 2010), I collected some puzzling "little red cones" that did not look like any of their congeners from the western Caribbean. I had consulted Olsson & McGinty (1958), who had done extensive collecting in the archipelago; among the cones listed, however, only the taxon "Conus regius cardinalis Hwass" seemed to be similar enough to qualify as a misidentification for this cone. I had collected only one specimen of C. cardinalis, but had on hand five specimens of the cone in question, so I presume that Olsson and McGinty did collect this species, as four of my specimens were collected in the drift line and exposed reef, not SCUBA diving. Moreover, they were collected at three different stations: NE Isla Colon (Figs. 1-3), Bastimento Norte (Figs. 4-5), and Zapatillas Key No. 1 (Figs. 6-8). The specimens were put away until recently, when I needed to get back to them because I was preparing a report on mollusks from the archipelago (Garcia, 2010).
机译:在我访问巴拿马西北部的博卡斯·德尔·托罗群岛时(见美国海洋学家第38卷,2010年6月2日),我收集了一些令人费解的“小红锥”,它们看起来不像他们来自西加勒比海的同类。我曾咨询过Olsson&McGinty(1958年),后者曾在群岛进行过广泛的搜集工作。但是,在列出的视锥细胞中,只有“ Taus conus regius cardinalis Hwass”分类群看起来足够相似,可以被误认为该视锥细胞。我只收集了一个C. cardinalis标本,但手上却有5个所讨论的圆锥标本,所以我认为Olsson和McGinty确实收集了这个物种,因为我的四个标本是在漂流线和裸露的礁石中收集的,不能潜水。此外,它们是在三个不同的站点收集的:NE Isla Colon(图1-3),Bastimento Norte(图4-5)和Zapatillas Key No.1(图6-8)。这些标本一直存放到最近,因为我正在准备一份有关群岛上的软体动物的报告,所以我需要找回它们(Garcia,2010年)。



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