首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biophotonics >Imaging of fatty tumors: appearance of subcutaneous lipomas in optoacoustic images

Imaging of fatty tumors: appearance of subcutaneous lipomas in optoacoustic images


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A wide variety of subcutaneous soft-tissue masses may be seen in clinical practice. Clinical examination based on palpation alone is often insufficient to identify the nature and exact origin of the mass, in which case imaging is necessary. We used handheld multispectral optoacoustic imaging technology (MSOT) in a proof-of-principle study to image superficial fatty tumors and compare the images with diagnostic ultrasound. Fatty tumors were clearly visualized by MSOT and exhibited a spectral signature which differed from normal fatty tissue or muscle tissue. Our findings further indicated that MSOT offers highly complementary contrast to sonography. Based on the performance achieved, we foresee a promising role for MSOT in the diagnosis and evaluation of subcutaneous soft-tissue masses. Picture: Pseudo-color representation of a cross-sectional multi-spectral optoacoustic slice through a subcutaneous lipoma. Multi-spectral information is encoded in color. The lipoma can clearly be distinguished from the surrounding tissue based on its color. Scalebar 1 cm.
机译:在临床实践中可以看到各种皮下软组织肿块。仅基于触诊的临床检查通常不足以识别质量的性质和精确起源,在这种情况下是必要的。我们使用手持式多光谱光声成像技术(MSOT)在原则上的研究身上的研究中,并将图像与诊断超声进行比较。 MSOT清楚地显示脂肪肿瘤,并表现出与正常脂肪组织或肌肉组织不同的光谱签名。我们的研究结果表明,MSOT与超声检查提供高度互补的对比。基于实现的性能,我们预计在皮下软组织群的诊断和评估中对MSOT的有希望的作用。图片:通过皮下脂肪瘤横截面多光谱光声切片的伪颜色表示。多光谱信息以颜色编码。脂肪瘤可以根据其颜色清楚地与周围组织区分开。羽毛栏1厘米。



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