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Condoms Used But Sex Not Well Protected


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Condom use is often equated to safer sex. The prevalence of condom use during sex work among female sex workers (FSW) in China is high. Condom use, however, co-exists with condom failure and improper use and hence risk of HIV transmission. In a cross-sectional study, we interviewed 195 FSW in Shenzhen, China. The prevalence of condom use in the last episode of sex work was 97.4 %, However, respectively 53.8 and 86.2 % had experienced at least one condition of condom failure that may lead to genital contact (wearing condoms after penetration, condom breakage/slippage, condoms removed by clients) and at least one condition of improper condom use (not removing air from the tip of the condom, not pulling it down to the root of penis and not choosing good quality condoms). Factors of individual level (e.g. never choosing high quality condoms for sex work), inter-personal level (e.g. agreement to have unprotected sex if fond of clients or paid more) and environmental/structural level (e.g. non-availability of condoms) were associated with various types of condom failure and improper use. Although HIV prevention interventions have increased prevalence of condom use among FSW, the risk of HIV transmission may still be high as “unsafe” sex due to condom failure and improper use is prevalent. Interventions promoting safer sex need to address such issues and take socio-ecological factors into account. Condom use during sex work is not equivalent to well protected sex as the protective effects could be compromised by frequent condom failure and improper use.
机译:使用避孕套通常等同于更安全的性行为。在中国,女性性工作者在性工作中使用安全套的比例很高。但是,避孕套的使用与安全套失效,使用不当以及艾滋病毒传播的风险共存。在一项横断面研究中,我们采访了中国深圳的195 FSW。在最后一次性工作中使用安全套的患病率为97.4%,但是,分别有53.8和86.2%的人经历了至少一种安全套衰竭的情况,可能导致生殖器接触(穿刺后戴安全套,安全套破裂/打滑,安全套)以及至少一种不当使用避孕套的情况(不要从避孕套尖端除去空气,不要将其拉到阴茎根部,也不要选择优质避孕套)。相关因素包括个人水平(例如,从不选择高质量的安全套进行性工作),人际关系(例如,如果喜欢客户或支付更多酬金,同意进行无保护性行为)和环境/结构水平(例如,无避孕套)各种类型的避孕套失效和使用不当。尽管艾滋病毒预防干预措施增加了性工作者中使用安全套的普遍性,但由于安全套失效和不当使用引起的“不安全”性行为,艾滋病毒传播的风险仍然很高。促进安全性行为的干预措施必须解决此类问题,并考虑社会生态因素。性工作期间使用避孕套并不等同于受到良好保护的性行为,因为频繁的避孕套失效和使用不当可能会损害保护作用。



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