首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cancer education: the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education >The Knowledge of South African Men Relating to Cervical Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening

The Knowledge of South African Men Relating to Cervical Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening


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Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in South African women, but the most common cancer in Black women. Despite having a national cervical cancer screening programme, most women present with advanced disease. Men play a role in cervical cancer as the HPV, the major cause of cervical cancer, is sexually transmitted. The purpose of our study was to describe the knowledge men, living in Muldersdrift, had about cervical cancer, cervical cancer screening and the cervical cancer screening programme and how they preferred to be taught about these health issues. We used a survey design and convenience sampling to select 101 men older than 18years (n=101). A pretested self-developed questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument, and the data were analyzed using the SPSS version 22-computer program and quantitative content analyses. The Fischer's exact test measured associations between variables (p=0.05). The ages of the sample (n=101) ranged from 18 to 92years; most were from the Zulu cultural group, unemployed and unmarried. The majority (66.3%, n=67) had not heard of cervical cancer, the cervical cancer screening programme (60.4%, n=61) or the Pap smear (67.3%, n=68). Age and educational level did not influence having ever heard of these health issues. HPV infection was the most well-known risk factor, and the very late symptoms of cervical cancer were the least known. Most men preferred to be educated in a group, which provided a practical, feasible and cost effective way of educating men living in this community about these health issues.
机译:宫颈癌是南非女性的第二个最常见的癌症,但黑人女性中最常见的癌症。尽管有国家宫颈癌筛查计划,但大多数女性患有先进的疾病。男性在宫颈癌中发挥作用作为HPV,宫颈癌的主要原因是性传播。我们研究的目的是描述生活在Muldersdrift的知识男性,患有宫颈癌,宫颈癌筛查和宫颈癌筛查计划以及如何在这些健康问题上教授。我们使用了调查设计和便利采样选择101名超过18年的男性(n = 101)。使用预先测试的自我开发的问卷作为数据收集仪器,使用SPSS版本22计算机程序和定量内容分析进行分析数据。 Fischer在变量之间的精确测试测量关联(P = 0.05)。样品(n = 101)的年龄范围为18至92年;大多数来自祖鲁文化群体,失业和未婚。大多数(66.3%,n = 67)没有听说过宫颈癌,宫颈癌筛查程序(60.4%,n = 61)或PAP涂片(67.3%,n = 68)。年龄和教育水平没有受到对这些健康问题的声明。 HPV感染是最着名的危险因素,宫颈癌的迟到症状是最不名的。大多数男人竞选人员在一群人中受过教育,这为教育生活在这个社会中的男性提供了一种实用,可行和成本效益的方式,了解这些健康问题。



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