首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied gerontology: the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society >Older Adults Driving Under the Influence: Associations With Marijuana Use, Marijuana Use Disorder, and Risk Perceptions

Older Adults Driving Under the Influence: Associations With Marijuana Use, Marijuana Use Disorder, and Risk Perceptions


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Despite increasing marijuana use among the 50+ age group, little research has been done on marijuana's impact on older adults' driving under the influence (DUI). Using the 2013 to 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health data, this study examined the association of older adults' self-reported DUI with marijuana use, marijuana abuse/dependence, and marijuana risk perception. The findings show that one third of past-year marijuana users aged 50+ reported past-year DUI, two thirds of which involved drugs. Those with marijuana abuse/dependence were 2.6 times more likely than those without the disorder to report DUI, controlling for alcohol abuse/dependence, other illicit drug use, and sociodemographic and health/mental health statuses. As safe driving is key to prolonging independence in late life, clinicians need to educate older adults about the risk of marijuana use, alone and with other substances, on their driving capacity and provide age-appropriate treatment for marijuana use disorder.



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