首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied physiology >CapZ and actin capping dynamics increase in myocytes after a bout of exercise and abates in hours after stimulation ends

CapZ and actin capping dynamics increase in myocytes after a bout of exercise and abates in hours after stimulation ends


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The time course of the response and recovery after acute activity seen in exercise is not well understood. The goal of this work is to address how proteins of the thin filament (actin and its capping protein CapZ) are changed by 1 h of mechanical stimulation and return to baseline over time. Neonatal rat ventricular myocytes in culture were subjected to cyclic 10% strain at 1 Hz for 1 h to mimic increased mechanical loading during exercise. CapZ and actin dynamics were analyzed by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) using CapZ(31-GFP, actin-GFP, or actin-RFP. After cyclic strain, CapZ dynamics increased above resting controls and abated 2-3 h after cessation of the cyclic strain. Similarly, actin dynamics initially increased and abated 1.5-2 h after the end of stimulation. Neurohormonal hypertro-phic stimulation by phenylephrine or norepinephrine treatments also elevated actin dynamics but required a much longer time of treatment (24-48 h) to be detectable. The actin capping mechanism was explored by use of expression of CapZfBl with a COOH-terminal deletion (CapZ(BlAC). Increased dynamics of actin seen with CapZ(31AC was similar to the response to cyclic strain. Thus it is possible that mechanical stimulation alters the dynamics for CapZ capping of the actin filament through the CapZ(31 COOH terminus, known as the (3 tentacle, thereby remodeling sarcomeres in cardiac myocytes.
机译:在运动中看到的急性活动后的反应和恢复的时间过程尚不清楚。这项工作的目标是解决薄灯丝(肌动蛋白及其封闭蛋白CAPZ)的蛋白质如何改变1小时的机械刺激并随着时间的推移返回基线。新生儿大鼠培养物的心室肌细胞在1 Hz的1小时内进行环状的10%菌株,以模仿运动期间的机械负载。使用CAPZ(31-GFP,Actin-GFP或Actin-RFP在光漂白(FRAP)之后通过荧光回收分析CAPZ和肌动蛋白动态。循环应变后,CAPZ动力学在停止后增加2-3小时循环菌株。同样,肌动蛋白动态最初在刺激结束后最初增加和减少1.5-2小时。通过苯妥或去甲肾上腺素治疗的神经异常性高统计学刺激还升高了肌动蛋白动态,但需要更长的治疗时间(24-48小时)可检测。通过使用Capzfbl的表达与Cah-Termic缺失(Capz(BLAC)的表达探索肌动蛋白封装机制。用CAPZ看到的actin的动态增加(31AC类似于对循环应变的响应。因此,可以机械刺激改变了通过CAPZ(31℃COOH末端,称为(3触手的31个COOH末端,从而改造心脏肌细胞中的肉体晶体)的动力刺激动力学。



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