首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Ethics >On Imitating the Regimen of Immortality or Facing the Diet of Mortal Reality: A Brief History of Abstinence from Flesh-Eating in Christianity

On Imitating the Regimen of Immortality or Facing the Diet of Mortal Reality: A Brief History of Abstinence from Flesh-Eating in Christianity


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Abstinence from meat has been a subject of much controversy and friction from the dawn of Christian history. Relatively widespread in the early Church, it was praised when it formed part of a temporary ascetic fasting regimen, hut condemned if it amounted to a permanent rejection of animal flesh, as it would he associated with heretical ideas found in various dissident groups, gnostic sects, and pagan philosophical schools. Nevertheless, several patristic authors put forth a number of compelling arguments in defense of a meatless diet, all of which would he revisited by future generations of Christian thinkers. Laying the emphasis upon the ethical incentives for abstaining from animal flesh, as well as upon enduring ambivalent attitudes toward vegetarian dietart/ practices, this article offers a brief overview of abstinence from meat throughout Cliristian history.
机译:来自肉类的禁欲是基督教历史黎明的争议和摩擦的主题。 在早期教会中相对普及,当它形成了临时禁欲的禁食方案的一部分时,他们被称赞,如果它相当于动物肉体的永久性拒绝,则谴责,因为他与在各种持不同持不同持不同持不同持不同甲板群体中发现的遗传学思想有关 和异教哲学学校。 尽管如此,几位帕特严的作者提出了一些迫在心的争论,以防御无肉饮食,所有这些论点都是由未来几代基督徒思想家重新审视的。 本文展示了对动物肉体弃权弃权的淫秽激励措施,以及持久的矛盾态度,提供禁止肉类的禁止缩写。



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