首页> 外文期刊>Journal of affective disorders >Interaction between genetic variants and exposure to Hurricane Katrina on post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth: A prospective analysis of low income adults

Interaction between genetic variants and exposure to Hurricane Katrina on post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth: A prospective analysis of low income adults


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Background: There is considerable variation in psychological reactions to natural disasters, with responses ranging from relatively mild and transitory symptoms to severe and persistent posttraumatic stress (PTS). Some survivors also report post-traumatic growth (PTG), or positive psychological changes due to the experience and processing of the disaster and its aftermath. Gene-environment interaction (GxE) studies could offer new insight into the factors underlying variability in post-disaster psychological responses. However, few studies have explored GxE in a disaster context.Methods: We examined whether ten common variants in seven genes {BDNF, CACNA1C, CRHR1, FKBP5, OXTR, RGS2, SLC6A4) modified associations between Hurricane Katrina exposure and PTS and PTG. Data were from a prospective study of 205 low-income non-Hispanic Black parents residing in New Orleans prior to and following Hurricane Katrina.Results: We found a significant association (after correction) between RGS2 (rs4606; p=0.0044) and PTG, which was mainly driven by a cross-over GxE (p = 0.006), rather than a main genetic effect (p=0.071). The G (minor allele) was associated with lower PTG scores for low levels of Hurricane exposure and higher PTG scores for moderate and high levels of exposure. We also found a nominally significant association between variation in FKBP5 (rsl306780, p=0.0113) and PTG, though this result did not survive correction for multiple testing. Limitations: Although the inclusion of low-income non-Hispanic Black parents allowed us to examine GxE among a highly vulnerable group, our findings may not generalize to other populations or groups experiencing other natural disasters. Moreover, not all participants invited to participate in the genetic study provided saliva. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify GxE in the context of post-traumatic growth. Future studies are needed to clarify the role of GxE in PTS and PTG and post-disaster psychological responses, especially among vulnerable populations.
机译:背景:对自然灾害的心理反应有相当大的变化,响应范围从相对温和和暂时的症状到严重和持续的故障后应力(PTS)。一些幸存者还报告了创伤后生长(PTG),或由于灾难的经验和处理以及其后果而导致的积极心理变化。基因环境互动(GXE)研究可以对灾后心理反应的差异变异性的因素提供新的洞察。然而,很少有研究在灾害上下文中探索了GXE。方法:我们检查了七种基因中的十种常见变体是否在饱和Katrina暴露和PTG和PTG和PTG之间的改性关联。数据来自对飓风卡特里娜飓风之前居住在新奥尔良的205个低收入非西班牙裔黑人父母的预期研究。结果:RGS2(RS4606; P = 0.0044)和PTG之间发现了一个重要的关联(校正后)。这主要由交叉GXE(p = 0.006)而不是主要的遗传效果(p = 0.071)。 G(轻微的等位基因)与低水平的飓风暴露和较高的PTG分数具有较低的PTG分数,用于中等和高水平的暴露。我们还发现FKBP5(RSL306780,P = 0.0113)和PTG之间变异之间的名义上重大关联,尽管此结果没有存活校正多次测试。限制:虽然包含低收入非西班牙裔黑人父母,但允许我们在高度脆弱的群体中审查GXE,但我们的调查结果可能不会概括为其他自然灾害的其他人群或团体。此外,并非所有邀请参与遗传研究的参与者都提供了唾液。结论:对于我们的知识,这是第一次在创伤后生长范围内识别GXE的研究。未来的研究是澄清GXE在PTS和PTG中的作用以及灾后心理反应,特别是在弱势群体中。



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