首页> 外文期刊>Drug development and industrial pharmacy >Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of FSK0808 and Gran after single intravenous drip administration or single subcutaneous administration: comparative study in healthy Japanese adult male subjects

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of FSK0808 and Gran after single intravenous drip administration or single subcutaneous administration: comparative study in healthy Japanese adult male subjects


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FSK0808 is a recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor developed by Fuji Pharma Co., Ltd and Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. as a biosimilar product of Gran ((R)). We verified the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic equivalence of FSK0808 and commercially available Gran ((R)) by a randomized crossover study of single intravenous dose (200 mg/m(2)) and single subcutaneous dose (400 mg/m(2)) in healthy Japanese adult male subjects. According to the bioequivalence guidelines, the area under the blood concentration - time curve by 48 hours after administration (AUC(0-48)) in a single intravenous drip (IVD) study, and AUC(0-48) and maximum blood concentration (C-max) in a single subcutaneous (SC) dose study were used as primary endpoints, and the pharmacodynamic parameters including absolute neutrophil count (ANC) or number of CD34 positive cells (CD34(+) cells) as secondary endpoints. The safety was evaluated based on the characteristics and incidence of adverse reactions. As a result, the 90% confidence interval (CI) of the difference in mean value for AUC(0-48) among drugs ranged from log(0.8) to log(1.25), in the IVD study, and those for Cmax and AUC(0-48) were within the range of log(0.8)- log(1.25) in the SC study. Those for secondary endpoints were all within the range of log( 0.8)- log(1.25). Thus, the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of both drugs were considered equivalent for all routes of administration, and the profiles of adverse reactions were also very similar.
机译:FSK0808是由富士制药有限公司和Mochida Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd。开发的重组人粒细胞刺激因子作为Gran((R))的生物纤维单纤维产品。通过单一静脉注射剂量(200mg / m(2))和单皮(400mg / m(2))的随机交叉研究验证了FSK0808和市售的Gran((R))的药代动力学/药物动力学等效性。健康日本成年男性科目。根据生物等效指南,在单个静脉滴注(IVD)研究中,血液浓度下的区域在施用(AUC(0-48))后48小时,和AUC(0-48)和最大血液浓度(在单一皮下(SC)剂量研究中使用C-MAX作为初级终点,以及药效学参数,包括绝对中性粒细胞计数(ANC)或CD34阳性细胞的数量(CD34(+)细胞)作为次要终点。根据不良反应的特征和发病率评估安全性。结果,在IVD研究中,药物中AUC(0-48)的平均值(0-48)的平均值(0-48)的平均值差异(0-48)的90%置信区间(CI),以及CMAX和AUC的原点(0-48)在Log(0.8) - Log(1.25)的范围内。辅助端点的那些都在Log(0.8)范围内 - log(1.25)。因此,两种药物的药代动力学/药效学检查是相当于所有给药途径的等同物,不良反应的谱也非常相似。



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