首页> 外文期刊>Ameghiniana: Revista de la Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina >Palynology of the Chigua (Devonian) and Maliman /rarboniferous) formations in the Volcan Range, San Juan province, Argentina. Part II. Cavate, pseudosaccate and cingulizonate spores

Palynology of the Chigua (Devonian) and Maliman /rarboniferous) formations in the Volcan Range, San Juan province, Argentina. Part II. Cavate, pseudosaccate and cingulizonate spores

机译:阿根廷圣胡安省Volcan山脉的Chigua(泥盆纪)和Maliman / rarboniferous)地层的孢粉学。第二部分空洞,假囊状和扣带状孢子

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Palynological analysis of the Chigua and Maliman formations of Middle Devonian and r sissippian age respectively, is presented. They crop out in the Del Volcan Range at the Rio Blanco -in in western Argentina In this second part, 40 indigenous species of cavate, pseudosaccate and cin-H7onalo spores from both units aie illustrated. The species Geminospora sp. cf, G. tuberculata var. tuber-u/ijto McGregor is recorded in the Middle Devonian of South America for the first time. The following TCU'S 'iiv als0 recorded in the Mississippian of South America for the first time as Crassispora invicta Plavford, Densosporites asperus Braman and Hills, Densosporites gracilis Smith and Butterworth, QCi,nKwiles secundus Playford and Satterthwait, Densosporites sp. cf. D, triangularis Kosanke, Gorgonispom sn ii. G. i rassa (Winslow) Higgs et ah, Lophozonotriletes dentatus Hughes and Playford, Spelaeotriletes echi-nalin- (H.nquebard) Utting, Velamisporites perinatus (Hughes and Playford) Playford. Some possibly reworked species (scolecodonts, paleomicroplankton and spores) from the Maliman Formation are illustrated and some of them are also described.
机译:提出了中泥盆世时代和西西里纪时代的Chigua和Maliman地层的孢粉学分析。它们在阿根廷西部里约布兰科的Del Volcan山脉中播种。在第二部分中,说明了来自两个单位的40种原生的空洞孢子,假鳞茎孢子和cin-H7onalo孢子。该物种Geminospora sp。 cf,G。tuberculata var。 tuber-u / ijto McGregor首次记录在南美洲中泥盆纪。以下TCU's iiv als0首次在南美密西西比州记录为Crassispora invicta Plavford,Densosporites asperus Braman和Hills,Densosporites gracilis Smith和Butterworth,QCi,nKwiles secundus Playford和Satterthwait,Densosporites sp。 cf. D,三角叶Kosanke,Gorgonispom sn ii。 G.i rassa(Winslow)Higgs等人,Lophozonotriletes dentatus Hughes和Playford,Spelaeotriletes echi-nalin-(H.nquebard)Utting,Velamisporites perinatus(Hughes and Playford)Playford。举例说明了来自马里曼组的一些可能的重制物种(粘牙菌,古微浮游生物和孢子),并对其中一些进行了描述。



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