首页> 外文期刊>Diabetic medicine: A journal of the British Diabetic Association >Big Data and diabetes: the applications of Big Data for diabetes care now and in the future

Big Data and diabetes: the applications of Big Data for diabetes care now and in the future


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Abstract We review current applications of Big Data in diabetes care and consider the future potential by carrying out a scoping study of the academic literature on Big Data and diabetes care. Healthcare data are being produced at ever‐increasing rates, and this information has the potential to transform the provision of diabetes care. Big Data is beginning to have an impact on diabetes care through data research. The use of Big Data for routine clinical care is still a future application. Vast amounts of healthcare data are already being produced, and the key is harnessing these to produce actionable insights. Considerable development work is required to achieve these goals.
机译:摘要我们审查了当前在糖尿病护理中的大数据的应用,并考虑了对大数据和糖尿病护理的学术文献的范围研究。 医疗保健数据正在升高的速率下产生,这些信息有可能改变糖尿病护理的提供。 通过数据研究,大数据开始对糖尿病护理产生影响。 使用大数据进行常规临床护理仍然是未来的应用。 已经生产了大量医疗数据,并且密钥正在利用这些,以产生可操作的见解。 实现了相当大的发展工作来实现这些目标。



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